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<eiln> can someone with a reddit account comment "install libavcodec-freeworld"
<eiln> and maybe sticky it along with the chromium shader cache
<eiln> I don't think pre-installing it is a bad idea
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<seb4nih38> eiln: posted it
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<kettenis> uh, mapping the smc crashlog (which is in SRAM) as Normal WB (cached) isn't very smart...
<sven> also not smart: writing writel(14,..) instead of writel(0x14,…) and then spending weeks wondering why atcphy is sometimes unstable
<kettenis> that isn't the write to PIPEHANDLER_OVERRIDE_VALUES that you marked with a "TODO: why 14?" is it?
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<sven> yup…
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<kettenis> anyway with a hack to prevent that smc issue I have a working dcp driver on OpenBSD
<kettenis> this is roughly the driver as it was in early september
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