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<bloom> It turns out Apple's OpenGL in XQuartz renders to a linear render target (whereas native Metal apps are compressed)
<bloom> This is bad for performance, but good for hardware r/e ... since it made it clear how to do a linear render target at all! while it's hard to coerce Metal into the same
<bloom> Furthermore render target descriptors are riffing off texture descriptors, so it was easy to extrapolate to linear textures
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<bloom> ...I had an actual reason for looking at Apple's OpenGL but it is now too late to follow up on it. Ah well. That was a more pressing issue anyway!
<bloom> [This means as soon as 3D is piped in to Linux, we'll be able to use it on screen. The alternative would be r/e'ing tiled support in the display controller. This was lazier :-p
<bloom> ]
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<bloom> Passed: 584/602 (97.0%)
<bloom> you know what? I think I'll take it
<bloom> (cheated my way through clipping)
<yrlf> what did you do for clipping?
<yrlf> nice, 97%!
<bloom> OpenGL defines the z clip volume as [-1, +1]
<bloom> Every other API on the planet (DirectX, Vulkan, Metal) define it as [0, 1]
<bloom> There's definitely a way to do OpenGL style clipping on AGX since the GL blob does it, but I couldn't get it to work..
<bloom> I just reused the shader code fixup pass from Zink, which layers GL on Vulkan and thus needs the same transform
<yrlf> oh, so you just translate/scale it to [0, 1] before clipping
<bloom> yeah :p
<bloom> bigger fish to fry right now
<choozy> AGX?
<bloom> apple gpu
<choozy> Ah, okay, is this the codename for the specific M1 GPU, or a generic term?
<bloom> codename for all the Apple GPUs
<bloom> M1 specifically sports G13 B0
<choozy> Ah, allrighty
<bloom> er
<bloom> G13G B0
<choozy> Nice
<cyrozap> a.k.a. ""GLEG BO"
<bloom> and just implemented wide line
<bloom> yet another non-Metal feature that AGX has native support for
<bloom> getting ./wrap to work with Apple's OpenGL is proving invaluable
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<bloom> I saw some discussion on the main channel -- I'm kinda curious if there's interest in me streaming GPU stuff?
<bloom> I should warn a nontrivial amount of time is just fighting git rebase :-p
<jn> i'd watch it
<brentr123[m]> <bloom "I saw some discussion on the mai"> Hell yeah I would watch it
<brentr123[m]> I mean
<brentr123[m]> Of course
<daniels> apparently I have an oddly-shaped blob on my screen, because that read as 'I would witch it', which seems apt
* bloom waves magic wand
<jn> GPU witchcraft :)
<Misthios> 😂
<bloom> OBOBDOA
<Misthios> would watch 100%
<bloom> jn: THe problem with that presentation is that now no matter what I present at any conference I know it'll never live up ;-P
* bloom tries to figure out logistically how this would work
<choozy> Well, if you would like to stream your work bloom, I know that people would certainly watch it
<bloom> :)
<bloom> Easiest I think is setting up the Mac for proper dev work
<bloom> Mostly I write code on my Linux laptop but that's.. er.. a chromebook
<bloom> and if I stream the desktop there will be no cycles left to compile mesa :p
<choozy> Yes, there is at least one application on Chrome OS that would permit you to livestream, otherwise you could maybe use a Linux solution also on ChromeOS
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<bloom> Err youtube vs twitch vs aaaa
<Misthios> youtube
<bloom> (what re the differences anyway?)
<Misthios> twitch is kinda vague sometimes
<Misthios> like banninh hottub streams and then doing a 180 and unbanning them
<Misthios> ^^weird reference but the latest stuff they did
<ar> bloom: what's "aaaa"?
<brentr123[m]> <Misthios "like banninh hottub streams and "> Oh god let’s not even get into that
<Misthios> 😂
<jn> ar: a sound of distress, i think
<Misthios> those bloated my twitch home ngl
<bloom> ar: aaaa is I'm a linux hacker, not a streamer, what am I even /doing/
<ar> ah
<Misthios> was thinking aa batteries
<choozy> Lol
<choozy> You could also stream live from your own website or from Peertube like software if you so wish bloom
<bloom> sounds even scarier
<jn> sounds a bit risky for one person. i'd only do that with at least one other person who can handle infrastructure issues quickly
<bloom> nod
<choozy> Ah okay
<brentr123[m]> Maybe create a asahi Linux YouTube channel and various developers/programmers can stream on there
<bloom> -- does that work for people?
<bloom> I guess we'll start in ~15 min?
<chrisf> it appears to be a thing
<bloom> We'll do "fight git rebase until bloom gets tired", it's a really hot new video game
<sven> oh... more streams. that means i have more excuses to procrastinate :>
<bloom> <23
<Misthios> It that getting over it v2?
<bloom> ?
<Bastian[m]> getting over it is a frustrating video game
<Misthios> ^ basically u try to climb a high mountain and if u fall u have to redo a lot
<bloom> Alright!
<bloom> On Air - ☁️
<Bastian[m]> seems good, audio and video working
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<choozy> Perfect, receiving you loud and clear so far
<daniels> rebase ftw
<daniels> bloom: you should also embrace tig
<daniels> it's less latent than push + look at patch :P
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<daniels> we can hear!
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<bloom> /query daniels
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<bloom> Why does Twitch think it's still streaming? the mac is off
<brentr123[m]> It shows offline for me
<bloom> Ack
<bloom> Thanks for watching :>
<bloom> (ANy feedback if/when I do this again? This was my first time live coding like this so not sure if it was a mess. :P)
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