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<ella-0> doing some CTS runs to work out what meta stuff to work on and uhh well ... VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY yayyyy time to close my browser tabs
<ella-0> anyway this is the layer assertion that lots of CTS hits I have a hacky patch for it somewhere
<ella-0> also some cases end up with buffer range being out of bounds somehow? I have a slightly hacky patch for that using VK_WHOLE_SIZE
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<i509vcb> Just watched the XDC talk, pretty cool stuff
<i509vcb> Now to get back to image stuff in the driver so txs works
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<i509vcb> ella-0: when I last had out of host memory it was because I forgot to enable swap when installing lol
<ella-0> I have zram enabled but that is all
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<i509vcb> For CmdDrawIndirect, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to tell agx about the stride?
<i509vcb> it seems to work with something equvilant to VkDrawIndirectCommand but the spec allows setting a stride as long it's a multiple of 4
<i509vcb> VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-drawCount-00476 pretty much
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