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<karolherbst> alyssa: sooo.. "ASAHI_MESA_DEBUG=compblit", when will that be the default? It fixes a bug with u_blitter I'm running into 🙃
<alyssa> karolherbst: probably never, it's broken on pro/max/ultra chips and we don't know why
<karolherbst> oh no
<j`ey> karolherbst: do you get u_blitter recursion errors?
<karolherbst> no, it's handling NaNs in a way I don't need it to handle
<j`ey> oh
<karolherbst> "0xffffffffffffffff vs. 0x7e007e007e007e00" those kind of issues
<karolherbst> guess I'll need to figure out what u_blitte is doing then...
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<alyssa> that is a good reminder to investigate what macos does for copies
<alyssa> because it's... weird and not possible to express as gl/vk
<karolherbst> besides that one, the only other known bug with the OpenCL CTS is fma being a little on the weird side and I haven't figured out what's wrong exactly there
<alyssa> oh i remember that one
<alyssa> opencl cts does a denormals are tiny check or something like that
<alyssa> and it constant folds differently than the gpu evaluates it
<alyssa> which is probably in spec but confuses the h*ck out of the cts
<karolherbst> ohhh...
<karolherbst> I see...
<alyssa> as for the nan thing
<karolherbst> meanwhile I've coded up a workaround for that 1Dbuffer failures:
<alyssa> the w/a i had was casting float images to uint for copies (this works except for like rg11b10)
<karolherbst> mhhh
<alyssa> but that broke gl stuff and i don't remember why
<karolherbst> I was hoping for compblit, because that also fixes it :'(
<alyssa> compblit breaks other stuff (:
<alyssa> tbh i don't know why compblit works at all on m1
<alyssa> when it doesn't on m1 pro
<karolherbst> annoying
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<karolherbst> maybe something with last_block?
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<karolherbst> I wanted to look into non uniform work groups at some point on asahi anyway...
<karolherbst> so maybe when I'm doing that, I might run into issues there unless you use last_block for anything else
<karolherbst> pipe_grid_info::last_block I mean here
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<karolherbst> mhhh.. yeah, so the fma emulation works, but that's kinda expected, but that's a huge pile of lowering code
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<alyssa> wait what no don't fma emulate just fix the cts ;-;
<karolherbst> yeah...
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<alyssa> karolherbst: ok you nerdsniped me into rewriting the compblit path
<alyssa> i mean i need to for vulkan too but
<alyssa> check back in like a week
<karolherbst> 🙃
<karolherbst> I hope my hunch about last_block being the broken bit is right..
<karolherbst> or maybe it's something else
<karolherbst> you'll figure it out :D
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<alyssa> it's not that lol
<alyssa> it's fundamentally broken
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