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<karolherbst> alyssa: I've checked the fma issue again.. it was this "Tininess is detected before rounding?" issue and constant folding being like that...
<karolherbst> I wonder if we should add a nir_option thing for this...
<karolherbst> (and figure out what we need to change)
<karolherbst> or we just deal with volatile correctly, but what a pain
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<alyssa> karolherbst: shrug
<alyssa> it's a CTS bug imo
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<karolherbst> I wonder if us ignoring volatile the way we do can be seen as our bug or not... but yeah, maybe the CTS should check both possibilities here
<karolherbst> but the spirv volatile thing says "This access cannot be eliminated, duplicated, or combined with other accesses." which we clearly do
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<karolherbst> if we can't get the CTS fix, the mesa fix would look like this:
<karolherbst> and it's indeed fixing the test
<alyssa> fair
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<karolherbst> I wonder if submitting those constant as kernel inputs would be acceptable upstream as well. But I'm mostly worried about "you gotta fix volatile tho" reactions
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<alyssa> shrug
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