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<sven> i've started to look into bluetooth with R's notes a bit. looks like apple calls the transport used for communication with the actual chip "apple converged IPC" and maybe also "apple converged PCI"
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<marcan> (no idea where those came from, but public decryption keys for public firmware blobs are fair game FWIW)
<nicolas17> oh so he just tweeted them out lol
<marcan> so I guess we can finally decrypt iBoot/SMC and answer some mysteries that way (RE policy still applies as usual, don't do that if you're writing drivers and I don't know you know what you're doing)
<sven> huh, cute
<sven> the one iboot i briefly looked at contained almost no strings and wasn't much fun to reverse engineer fwiw
<marcan> I'm more interested in things like like SMC, I looked at an iPhone one and that helped answer some questions but there was enough that was different to leave plenty of mysteries
<marcan> also since SMC is always on, this is good for proving absence of backdoors and such
<sven> yeah, i looked for the ANS shutdown sequence I think
<sven> and even finding that was annoying
<sven> and I missed the PMGR reset anyway
<marcan> the DCP client side would be nice to find too
<marcan> and also exactly what algorithm apple used to use for mode selection before they nixed it
<sven> true
<marcan> also, IIRC iBoot talks to some EPIC endpoints besides the iBoot/disp0 one
<marcan> and I'd love to know what it does with those
<marcan> I already reversed some of it, it's in proxyclient stuff
<marcan> but I didn't find anything useful to solve the hotplug problem
<marcan> though I bet it could be done with i2c shenanigans poking the dp2hdmi chip, but that's *another* layer of blind undocumented registers
<marcan> (since the HPD pin goes through it)
<marcan> we do have firmare for that one
<marcan> ... it's x86. 80186.
<marcan> so yeah, nice rabbit hole for someone to go down if they're bored
<nicolas17> as if knowing there's an x86 iPhone baseband wasn't cursed enough already
<marcan> tbh though, the current "shut down DCP" solution is quite pretty, and better than prodding magic registers and having to have linux prod them back
<marcan> I think I'm going to stick with that for now
<marcan> need to fix up Linux RTKit so it uses an always-safe sequence to bring up RTKit that works regardless of what shutdown mode a copro is in
<marcan> then it doesn't have to care
<nicolas17> these keys were probably extracted via JTAG on a CPFM00 (prototype) M1 chip that "fell off a truck", but if you hypothetically exploited a bootrom bug or something on a production M1, you could get the same keys
<nicolas17> (I know marcan knows this, just stating it for everyone reading :p)
<marcan> Right. I don't endorse all that "fell of a truck" stuff, but if the end result is data that is in everyone's M1 anyway being published, I'm not going to say no to using it.
<marcan> Ultimately those keys being public help a lot of causes, including verifiability of the boot chain.
<marcan> (I wish Apple just stopped encrypting this stuff)
<jannau> marcan: I did that already for dcp:
<roxfan2> which fw ois 80186? o.o
<roxfan2> *is
<marcan> jannau: ah, thanks!
<jannau> requires unfortunately another reg since we have offsetted the regs by 0x4000
<sven> that was on purpose because not all mailboxes have that reg
<sven> iirc SEP and the thunderbolt ones don’t
<jannau> ah, then adding it conditionally where needed is the right thing to do
<jannau> roxfan2: the dp to hdmi converter used for the hdmi ports
<roxfan2> huh
<jannau> answering your question which chip is 80186
<roxfan2> thx
<sven> alright, so these myster config space writes ( actually just configure the memory/MMIO/whatever windows that can be accessed in the BAR
<sven> that still seems to be common broadcom stuff, there are some vague references to this in the wlan driver as well
<sven> *mystery
<sven> firmware selection also seems to be rather simple: get the chip name from the PCI dev id and then get the antenna or whatever island code name from the DT just like wifi. there's only a third component I don't understand yet (USI vs. MUR)
<nicolas17> does anyone know if AWDL is implemented in the macOS driver or in the Wi-Fi firmware?
<marcan> both, I believe
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