ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-re to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | Hardware / boot process / firmware interface reverse engineering | WARNING: this channel (only) may contain binary reverse engineering discussion | RE policy: (MANDATORY READ) | GitHub: | Wiki: | Logs:
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<maxg_> Hi, where does one get started on reverse engineering parts like the touch id hardware? I read trough the wiki where I found descriptions of how things work on the apple silicon systems, I did not find information about which tools/processes are used to conduct this kind of development tho, I would appreciate some starting point on where I can read up on those things. I assume this question has been answered a lot of times
<maxg_> so if you could just point me to such an answer
<j`ey> maxg_: m1n1 is the main tool you will use
<j`ey> there's a bunch of experiments in proxyclient/experiments where you can took a look at how it works
<maxg_> Ah, so I need to get started by using the proxy mode, then analyze what macOS is doing is what I assume? Thank you, proxyclient/experiments is an ideal starting point
<j`ey> yup
<j`ey> you can trace macOS
<j`ey> (to trace macOS you need a separate macOS install to run it over)
<maxg_> Okay so I was going trough this special macOS install documentation and I see "Install m1n1 as custom boot object", this build/m1n1.bin file, do I provide it to 1tr using some kind of removable storage or how?
<j`ey> just on the macOS file system somewhere
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<janneg> I usually use `python -m http.server --directory build` on my dev system and `curl -O dev:8000/m1n1.bin` in 1tr
<j`ey> (oh woops, I misread that, didnt see the '1tr' in the question)
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<roxfan> i guess some kind of barrier but what?
<sven> looks like something that was left over in some xnu or llvm strings or source code
<sven> we probably only know the name
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<roxfan> huh
<sven> it might from that weird XNU source drop where they included llvm bitcode instead of compiled object files
<sven> there's "mild_dsb_enabled" in there
<sven> maybe it's that?
<sven> roxfan: ^--
<roxfan> hmm
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