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<fenfenS> hi, I'm new here. And I plan to build a project which implement SEP client for signing the kernel, like "kmutil configure-boot" did
<chaos_princess> you can't, don't try
<fenfenS> I have some expriences with SEP in pongoOS's SEP driver, and no information about the signing part, since it's enabled on macos only ?
<chaos_princess> sep will refuse to sign custom kernels unless you are booted into 1TR recovery
<sven> a sep client for things like full disk encryption and touchid support would be great, but signing the kernel only works from recovery mode
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<fenfenS> oh, got it. iBoot2 set some register in booting 1TR and SEPOS verified it ?
<fenfenS> and is there any info about the SEP endpoints?
<sven> yeah, something like that
<sven> there's a very basic tracer somewhere in m1n1
<sven> hrm, no, there should be something more
<chaos_princess> there is also this
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<fenfenS> thanks so much, I'll look into it
<sven> first step is probably to improve the sep tracer to be more useful
<sven> then prototype the client in python using m1n1
<sven> and then we can discuss how this entire thing should look like in production
<fenfenS> is there any aes key for a macOS SEP firmware, or we can only wait for the non-encrypted one someday?
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<sven> no idea, i'd be surprised if you actually need to look at the SEP firmware though
<chaos_princess> they _might_ release one with their whole private cloud compute thingy, but do not hold your breath
<sven> make sure to read "Reverse engineering policy" as well
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<chadmed> the SEP fw is in plaintext now with apple's PCC images aiui
<chadmed> so when that releases youll have it
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<nicolas17> they promised cleartext sepOS in the PCC images but there are no PCC images yet
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