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<misterz> So I've got into trouble while installing m1n1 on my M1 mac, now its in a bootloop. Luckily, I am still able to boot 1TR. My goal was to run it in proxy mode and the xnu kernel in supervised mode.. I've followed instructions on the Hypervisor page found on the Wiki. Any tips that could help me understand what I did wrong in the process?
<misterz> Did I need to append some configuration to the end of the m1n1.bin binary? Not quite clear.
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<misterz> Just to elaborate, I've compiled the main branch and in 1TR disable SIP, and other security features (using bputil..) then without making any changes to the paritioning I've used kmutil configure-boot ... to set the m1n1.bin boot object for the MacOS system volume (/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD)
<misterz> The user guide specifies how you should add configuration to m1n1.bin and then configure m1n1 stage 2 but from my understanding that is only required when booting linux.
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