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<adsss1578> Is there a guide on how to start doing this? I have some experienve with aarch64 and C. Also had used Ghidra and IDA
<chaos_princess> step 1 is to put away ghidra :P
<adsss1578> Binja then?
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<chaos_princess> the approach is to run macos in a special hypervisor and trace its hardware interactions
<chaos_princess> m1n1 the thing that can run macos in a very thin vm, hook hw accesses and run python scripts in response. There are a bunch of examples in that repo
<adsss1578> I'll start with those 2 links and come back later. Thanks for the headsup.
<adsss1578> I just watched 2 talks by the original maintainer and think this is one of the cooles things to wotk on tbh
<adsss1578> catch yall later
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<sven> you don’t need a apfs driver for the rest. just figure out the offsets if the gigalocker file on that xart partition and do raw read/writes
<sven> its contiguous and doesn’t change size
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<sven> if I were to reverse SEP I'd probably do it similarly to how lina did agx: first write a python thing that can drive it inside m1n1 to figure out how it actually works
<sven> then think about how to properly implement this. from what i saw a few years ago when I looked at it a bit what we probably want is a dumb kernel driver that allows to send/recv messages to those SEP endpoints and do most of the heavy lifting in a userspace rust daemon
<sven> the only part where that may or may not work is full disk encryption since that needs a channel between our nvme driver and SEP and we might have to do that entirely inside the kernel
<sven> but that's why I'd start with a python thing that drives it first to understand what exactly we need to do to drive it
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