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<nickchan> chaos_princess: for voltages and frequencies, on m1 have you experimented with the registers at cluster->base (in m1n1 cpufreq.c terms) + 0x70000 ?
<nickchan> this supposedly holds definitions for each pstate in strides of 0x20, for state 0-15 on m1
<chadmed> do you think writing to them will change the regulator behaviour at each pstate?
<nickchan> chadmed: it very much does on a7-a11, t2 (different offset and different stride size on some chips)
<nickchan> a simple experiment is to try to, say, overwrite definition of state 3 with definition of state 4
<nickchan> and see if the experiments/ has anything to say about it
<chadmed> but how do we confirm that its _actually_ changing what the regulators are doing
<chadmed> scratch up some tracks? :p
<nickchan> I cranked up A9 to 2448 MHz and A11 to 2112 MHz Ecore 2376 MHz Pcore like that
<nickchan> with the cpu_pstate_latencies experiments
<nickchan> it measures the frequency
<chadmed> cool but we know we can change the frequency. we want to know if the voltage _actually_ changes
<chadmed> i guess we could just overwrite pstate 0 with the definition for the highest turbo pstate and see if it doesnt crash
<nickchan> yeah that
<nickchan> well state 0 doesn't work like that it's a special state
<nickchan> but state 1 and above should be fine
<chadmed> yeah its the same on the gpu aiui
<nickchan> these registers also holds the amount of cores are allowed to be active in the cluster when that state is enter (boost state defs)
<chadmed> anything that might help with pcluster idle power?
<nickchan> xnu calls it "MaxDVMRWeight"
<nickchan> chadmed: Not sure I only know a few fields in those register
<nickchan> it's also my understanding that xnu do not deal with those register and the frequency information is just from the dt
<nickchan> adt, because patching the adt changes the frequency displayed by the pmgr kext
<nickchan> >just from the dt
<nickchan> as configured and filled in by iBoot
<nickchan> however, it probably is reading MaxDVMRWeight from those registers
<chadmed> Clocks: FAST_AF :p
<chaos_princess> apple fabric
<chaos_princess> nickchan: ill poke at those later, my t8103 machine is currently busy :P
<chadmed> chaos_princess: yeah i figured, but my headcanon is funnier
<chaos_princess> apple does in fact tryhard it, there is a whole separate coprocessor to control fabric bandwidth and power states
<chadmed> huh, are the ANE pstates tied to the pcore's states?
<chaos_princess> shouldn't be? at least on j314 they have a whole separate voltage rail for it
<chadmed> the DVFMStates for the pcluster reference 'fANE' states for each pcore pstate
<chadmed> the numbers in those fields match the number of reported ANE pstates
<nickchan> m1n1 deals with those registers here but it's nonsense according to my understanding but then again maybe things has changed between a11 and m1
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<chadmed> we should clear up what that code actually does and comment/document it
<nickchan> >nonsense:
<chadmed> :p
<nickchan> "write parts of the definition of cluster->apsc_pstate to the region just after the definitions"
<chadmed> i assume marcan wouldnt have just added that for shits/giggles
<chadmed> that said, why are we only doing it for t8103 and t8112
<chadmed> "We still don't know exactly what most of this is" oh...
<chaos_princess> the power delivery is different on t6XXX, vs t8XXX
<chaos_princess> and i know that PMP protocol changed a lot on t600x
<chadmed> smells like leapfrogging design teams
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