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chaos_princess: for voltages and frequencies, on m1 have you experimented with the registers at cluster->base (in m1n1 cpufreq.c terms) + 0x70000 ?
this supposedly holds definitions for each pstate in strides of 0x20, for state 0-15 on m1
do you think writing to them will change the regulator behaviour at each pstate?
chadmed: it very much does on a7-a11, t2 (different offset and different stride size on some chips)
a simple experiment is to try to, say, overwrite definition of state 3 with definition of state 4
and see if the experiments/ has anything to say about it
but how do we confirm that its _actually_ changing what the regulators are doing
scratch up some tracks? :p
I cranked up A9 to 2448 MHz and A11 to 2112 MHz Ecore 2376 MHz Pcore like that
with the cpu_pstate_latencies experiments
it measures the frequency
cool but we know we can change the frequency. we want to know if the voltage _actually_ changes
i guess we could just overwrite pstate 0 with the definition for the highest turbo pstate and see if it doesnt crash
yeah that
well state 0 doesn't work like that it's a special state
but state 1 and above should be fine
yeah its the same on the gpu aiui
these registers also holds the amount of cores are allowed to be active in the cluster when that state is enter (boost state defs)
anything that might help with pcluster idle power?