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<kchibisov> Is there a way to trigger a gpu reset on i915 for testing purposes?
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<kchibisov> Besides, what could be the way to test context lost recovery? I've tried amdgpu_gpu_recover on my amdgpu system, but it doesn't actually make the context lost...
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<MrCooper> kchibisov: are there messages in dmesg about the GPU reset though?
<kchibisov> kind of, but it doesn't make the context loss.
<kchibisov> The end goal is to test EGL robustness implementation.
<MrCooper> "kind of"?
<kchibisov> amdgpu: GPU reset begin!
<kchibisov> amdgpu: GPU reset(8) succeeded!
<MrCooper> looks like a yes then :)
<MrCooper> curious that this can not result in context loss
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<kchibisov> yeah, it just blinks screen and that's about it.
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<kchibisov> Linux 6.11.7
<kchibisov> Maybe I need a different reset mode?
<kchibisov> I have a MODE2, and it has like 3-4 other modes.
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