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<marex> lynxeye: so you're now looking into the etnaviv threaded GL slowness ?
<lynxeye> marex: Not right now, as I'm still busy with other things, but it's very much on top of my "do very soon" list.
<marex> lynxeye: the "do very soon" list is the one which gets postponed for many months ? :)
<marex> lynxeye: or is it the one below that, priority-wise
<lynxeye> marex: Nope that one isn't the postpone list, as it's hurting things I care about enough that I can justify spending time on it. ;)
<marex> ha
<marex> lynxeye: things which use threaded GL or not ?
<mntmn> marex: which apps are using threaded gl?
<marex> mntmn: chromium,qtwebengine
<lynxeye> marex: Both. We are oversyncing for threaded GL, but the resource tracking overhead is also very visible in singlethreaded apps.
<marex> lynxeye: I know
<marex> lynxeye: maybe what we really need is the batching
<lynxeye> marex: I don't think so. The context/cmdstream stuff should work pretty well if we avoid shooting ourselves in the foot as much as we do by oversyncing and all the locks required to make that work.
<lynxeye> I already have a battle plan on how to change things, just need some time to type it out and properly test it.
<marex> lynxeye: well, let me know once you have it, I have a feeling I already have tests which will break it
<mntmn> ah, interesting
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