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<tomeu> has there been any work on REing any of the VIP NPUs?
<austriancoder> tomeu: I started to figure out some detaiz about EVIS (Enhanced Vision Instruction Set)
<tomeu> cool
<austriancoder> Yep.. i am playing with openvx to get some captures
<tomeu> very cool, on what HW?
* austriancoder is still working on isaspce stuff
<tomeu> isaspce?
<austriancoder> ahh.. isaspec :)
<austriancoder> I am using a I.MX 8M Plus Development frpm phytec
<austriancoder> sadly my spare time is almost zero at the moment .. near product release @dayjob
<tomeu> ok, I'm thinking of playing with this on a vim3
<austriancoder> great .. feel free to dive into it and provide some patches/notes/etc.
<tomeu> austriancoder: how far have you got with the RE? I guess one needs to do some extra HW initialization and maybe configuration when submitting jobs?
<tomeu> or have you started with the instruction set?
<austriancoder> tomeu: I just looked into the instruction set
<lynxeye> tomeu: I'll take a closer look at the NPU pretty soon. First target is to be able to drive it with the etnaviv kernel driver. It has the same command stream frontend as the GPUs and the general computation unit it just a GPU shader cluster with some additional instructions. The NPU specific part is mostly a big matrix accelerator bolted side by side to the shader cluster.
<austriancoder> lynxeye: good to know
<austriancoder> lynxeye: maybe I have the isa details done during the next weeks
<lynxeye> austriancoder: That would be nice. My plan is to mostly ignore the shader cluster as a first step, aside from running a simple test program on it to see that things are properly initialized and then focus on the matrix unit, so we shouldn't step on each others feet.
<austriancoder> lynxeye: sounds like a good plan
<mwalle> lynxeye: nice, just saw that MR 9255 was merged. Seems like I need to work on the DP PHY support then *g*
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