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<mntmn> i want to file an etnaviv/xwayland bug ~but~ the gitlab interface disappears (black tiles, then completely black content except for the cursor) when i'm in the text input field in chromium.
<mntmn> latest mesa and xserver/xwayland from git
<mntmn> the other issue is that glamor now fails to render specific icons/textures:
<mntmn> with glamor disabled (via env variable):
<mntmn> also, the alpha is messed up
<mntmn> gimp icons are still fine in mesa 21.3.8, and so is the text input field in chromium, so i guess it's a regression in mesa/etnaviv
<mntmn> mesa 22.0.3 from debian unstable also does not exhibit the bugs
<austriancoder> mntmn: 22.1.0 fine too? May you can do a git bisect?
<mntmn> yeah, doing a new build
<mntmn> 08bdee3f107647090df8d5f98f0994949e8c9a22 is still ok, which is already 22.2.0
<mntmn> started a real bisect.
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<mntmn> > 7647023f3bb5785f15476b64c08b3ed01c46c536 is the first bad commit
<mntmn> > glsl: enable the use of the nir based varying linker
<mntmn> cc austriancoder
<marex> mntmn: ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=tgsi fixes it ?
<mntmn> tgsi? that never rendered anything correctly
<austriancoder> mntmn: may I ask you for some debug output for good vs bad with NIR_DEBUG=print?
<marex> that was the default before ;-/
<mntmn> marex: yes, we were always shipping ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=nir because tgsi was always broken
<austriancoder> marex: tgis is gone
<mntmn> austriancoder: debug output from xwayland i presume?
<mntmn> austriancoder: or sway? or the application (gimp?)
<austriancoder> mntmn: the application
<mntmn> i suspect this only outputs something when mesa is built in debug mode?
<mntmn> (because i'm not getting any output)
<austriancoder> You can also provide a trace file (apitrace) of the application. I only need to see the difference the linker caused.
<austriancoder> mntmn could be...I always build with debug
<mntmn> ok, i think apitrace is easier for me
<mntmn> kinda strange, i have a trace, but when trying to replay it, i get "warning: no current context" for each line
<mntmn> austriancoder: i'm not able to trace gimp in a way so that i can also replay it, yet... because gimp is not doing the GL calls, but xwayland/glamor is. and tracing xwayland doesn't catch setting up a context (??)
<mntmn> austriancoder: if i play back chromium-bad.trace on "bad" mesa, it shows the bug. if i play it back in "good" mesa, it looks fine ^^
<mntmn> but i get a bunch of "major shader compiler issue"s on "good" mesa that i don't get on "bad" mesa
<mntmn> (when playing back)
<mntmn> 5381: message: major shader compiler issue 3: 0:1(12): warning: extension `GL_ARB_gpu_shader5' unsupported in vertex shader
<mntmn> 5381: message: major shader compiler issue 4: 0:2(12): warning: extension `GL_EXT_gpu_shader5' unsupported in vertex shader
<mntmn> 12485: message: major shader compiler issue 5: 0:1(12): warning: extension `GL_ARB_gpu_shader5' unsupported in fragment shader
<mntmn> 12485: message: major shader compiler issue 6: 0:2(12): warning: extension `GL_EXT_gpu_shader5' unsupported in fragment shader
<austriancoder> mntmn: I will trigger a CI run on current master and hope to see some fails there too
<mntmn> austriancoder: ok, cool
<mntmn> glamor is really good at surfacing etnaviv bugs in my experience
<mntmn> :D
<cphealy> austriancoder: can you share the details of the current CI infrastructure for etnaviv? Are there test runners somewhere that have GC7000 that run automatically on a regular basis?
<mntmn> i am a manual, irregular test runner
<cphealy> ;-)
<cphealy> Which Vivante GPUs do you test on?
<mntmn> GC7000!
<cphealy> What would be needed for this to be automatically run on a regular basis?
<austriancoder> cphealy: The CI has gc2000, gc3000 and gc7000 boards connected to it but atm only gc2000 is integrated into mesas gitlab. For gc7000 there is a merge request but need to fix a u-boot problem first.
<austriancoder> I hope to have it run automatically someday.. at the moment it is a manual triggered action in mesa merge requests
* austriancoder bed time here
<cphealy> What are the HW requirements for someone to have a test runner setup integrated into mesa gitlab? I've got GC2000/GC3000/GC7000 HW and am interested in contributing.
<cphealy> ack
<marex> austriancoder: what's u-boot ?
<mntmn> austriancoder: n8n8
<marex> austriancoder: something I can help with ?
<austriancoder> marex: not sure yet.. I am slowly getting back to do anything etnaviv related .. but if I remember what the problem is/was I can ping you
<austriancoder> mntmn: - I hope to see a non green CI run :)
<mntmn> looks like lots of errors?
<austriancoder> some errors are expected (and they get filtered away for good/bad reporting). But yeah.. it looks like there are some more reproducers. Makes fixing the issue a lot easier than working with traces.
<mntmn> cool
<mntmn> austriancoder: should i file a bug in mesa gitlab or not necessary?
<austriancoder> mntmn: it is always a good idea to do .. the bug can be referenced from the MR/git commit .
<mntmn> ok
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