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<marex> hey, I was curious, I noticed discussion about rusticl here and there in the issue tracker, is there anything in that direction happening for etnaviv ?
<marex> also, is the gles3 support moving anywhere or is that on ice now ?
<austriancoder> Both is on track..
<marex> austriancoder: are there any more details somewhere? I mean, the gles3 was there for years in its current state
<austriancoder> Not really... there are some open MRs that are needed but the biggest problem is the bit rotting code and that takes time to get improved. For instance, there is isaspec support for de- and encoding of the isa, feature database support based on vivante kernel drivers. Later the day a new assembler - mostly used for isa unit test - will land. So I am workingnto improve the situation.
<marex> austriancoder: understood, thank you!
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