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<DavidHeidelberg> austriancoder: u testing rusticl on gc7000, right?
<austriancoder> DavidHeidelberg: yep
<DavidHeidelberg> thinking I'll reinstall Librem5 and start playing with it :D
<austriancoder> DavidHeidelberg: I can put you on /cc in gitlab, when I create the MR
<DavidHeidelberg> good, thanks. Do you have any BLIT in place? I checked the context.c and I don't see it
<DavidHeidelberg> asking mainly about clear_buffer
<austriancoder> DavidHeidelberg: sure.. in etnaviv_clear_blit.c and that calls into rs or blt
<DavidHeidelberg> kk, so clear_texture and clear_buffer is to be implemented, right?
<austriancoder> DavidHeidelberg: we are using u_default_clear_buffer and u_default_clear_texture
<DavidHeidelberg> yup, the CPU copy
<austriancoder> DavidHeidelberg: but that can/should change -
* DavidHeidelberg is very interested in it, because LLM got 2x perf boost from having it on freedreno
<austriancoder> nice
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