i think it requires same privs as you would for pushing to repo
ehh, no, it's for something super stupid, getting email addresses of accounts
i meant wrt who can assign to marge-bot
mhh, not sure if the gitlab API requires admin privs to query this information
it seems marge-bot only needs it after force pushing if it wants to re-ack as well, as otherwise the acks would get lost
but that's understandable, because to impersonate accounts you kind of need admin privs
but for fetching the email address?
email addresses aren't public?
apparently not via the API
(that wasn't meant as a question)
well, they are
you can't find out the email address of an arbitrary account, afaik
I think..
you can probably query those that are advertised in the public profile
there is a "Public email" option
__tim: nope
"All existing Reviewed-by: trailers on commits in the branch will be stripped. This feature requires marge to run with admin privileges due to a peculiarity of the GitLab API: only admin users can obtain email addresses of other users, even ones explicitly declared as public (strangely this limitation is particular to email, Skype handles etc. are visible to everyone)."
maybe it was a bug and got fixed? dunno
but I guess I'd kind of want to have a "account -> email" mapping anyway... even though that's super painful to maintain
I think we're talking about different things anyway, I don't think you can assume that the e-mail address used for commit author or Reviewed-by matches the one in gitlab (public or not)
I am talking about a bot adding those things
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