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<Anarchos> how to link to a lib.a ?
<jmairboeck> Anarchos: .a files (static libraries) are not linked at all. Linking occurs later when building an executable or a shared library (.so)
<jmairboeck> .a files are just an archive of object files (.o) with an index so that the linker can use them as input
<Anarchos> jmairboeck my lib.a file packs some .o files. one is referencening 'send' from but if i do 'nm lib.a | grep send' i got "U send" which means undefined
<jmairboeck> yes, but that is no problem for the lib.a. Consumers of lib.a will have to deal with that.
<Anarchos> makes sense
<jmairboeck> on Windows, using MSVC, you could specify libraries to link to via a pragma in the source code (auto-linking), but gcc doesn't support that. I'm not even sure if the ELF format would allow that.
<Anarchos> jmairboeck no trouble, i just add "-lnetwork" in LDFLAGS for the main program using the lib.a
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