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<Anarchos> The X toolkit library '-lXt' could not be found. Though «pkgman search lib:libXt» says : «S libxt X Toolkit Intrinsics library»
<waddlesplash> do you have devel:libxt installed?
<waddlesplash> also, what are you trying to build, if I may ask?
<Anarchos> waddlesplash alliance, a vlsi development toolchain, with graphical gui written in X
<waddlesplash> ok
<Anarchos> waddlesplash i dream to build my own cpu to simulate haiku on it :p
<Anarchos> waddlesplash now it complains about -lXm for the motif library.
<waddlesplash> ah
<waddlesplash> you're out of luck
<waddlesplash> motif doesn't work on xlibe
<waddlesplash> it compiles but behaves weirdly
<waddlesplash> one of the emacs developers said that motif uses all sorts of obscure x11 features in crazy ways, very hard to support even for x11 itself
<Anarchos> i know
<Anarchos> x11 always gives me impressions of an old dinosaur refusing to die...
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