ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku-3rdparty to: Third party devtalk for the Haiku® operating system | Main Haiku channel: #haiku | Bored? Tons of stuff to work on here: | Logs:
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<botifico> [HaikuArchives/ArtPaint] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [HaikuArchives/ArtPaint] dsizzle 2ed5071 - ImageView: make sure to restart selection drawing after undo/redo
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<thaflo[m]> Hello. Trying to add a Arc to a View with StrokeArc(...) compiles but I can't see the arc. Tried to view how DiskUsage does it, but didn't get further.
<thaflo[m]> I used StrokeArc(BRect(50,50,200,200),10,100, B_MIXED_COLORS);
<thaflo[m]> Can anyone help me or give me a hint please?
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