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<thaflo> Hello, trying here to get help .. I'm adding a BToolBar to a Window, it compiles, but at linking together it get stucked with:
<thaflo> /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: /boot/system/develop/lib/libshared.a(ToolBar.o): in function `BPrivate::BToolBar::FindButton(unsigned int) const':
<thaflo> ToolBar.cpp:(.text+0x4b4): undefined reference to `__dynamic_cast'
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<augiedoggie> did you figure it out? you probably need to link libstdc++
<thaflo> oh, thanks, trying it ...
<thaflo> indeed *ugh* thanks!
<thaflo> augiedoggie : if i draw a strokean on view, it disappears moving another window over it or resizing it ... do you have a hint, where an udate or a draw is needed please?
<thaflo> B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE for the view draw on does the opposite ;-) it clears the background. How can I see the strokeline permanent?
<thaflo> have to got, bye!
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