ChanServ changed the topic of #lima to: Development channel for open source lima driver for ARM Mali4** GPUs - Kernel driver has landed in mainline, userspace driver is part of mesa - Logs at
Hmm, this update still needs to be upstreamed. The maintainers are not so much concerned with this issue. I suppose that the majority of the LAVA users only use it to make simpler tests and does not require the level of attention of transparent logs like us.... (full message at <>)
damn (matrix has summarized my message, resending)
Hmm, this update still needs to be upstreamed
The maintainers are not so much concerned with this issue. I suppose that the majority of the LAVA users only use it to make simpler tests and does not require the level of attention of transparent logs like us.
You would need to patch it manually as a hotfix and reinstall at least the lava_dispatcher/ script.
I can delegate this burden to the Mesa CI job submitter script if you think this procedure is not worth it. Still, it will make the submitter hackier as it already is and prone to eventual new fancy logs that use another sequence of special characters.
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gallo[m]: I can make it a local fix but I would be more comfortable making it knowing that next time I update it wont be overridden
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enunes: That is totally fair. I am asking the commit author if he could retry to push the fix upstream. I hope this fix will be embedded in your next LAVA update.
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