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<enunes> anarsoul: did some airport seat reviews, it's a lot of improvements by now, nice to see :)
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<anarsoul[m]> yeah, I had to redo nickserv auth, since bridge lost connection
<anarsoul[m]> I have a few more ideas to implement. 1) branching optimization. We have one extra branch in loops if they have a break
<anarsoul[m]> 2) mov coalescing. It looks like vec produces a series of scalar movs that can be coalesced into a vector mov on some cases
<anarsoul[m]> 3) eliminate mov for store output if the source is register. If it is not a single node in block, we can remove it and mark source reg as output reg. If it is a single node, whole block can be removed, predecessor blocks marked as end blocks and source reg is again marked as an output reg
<uis> 3) Shouldn't regalloc already do this?