ChanServ changed the topic of #lima to: Development channel for open source lima driver for ARM Mali4** GPUs - Kernel driver has landed in mainline, userspace driver is part of mesa - Logs at
heh, if ladders are *very* expensive with the way we currently compile them
we end up with a long chain of branches
I wish the patches to use V4L2 requests in ffmpeg would get merged someday this decade.
jernej: ^^ :)
Otherwise reproducing this error is hard, as the latest branch from Kwiboo only applies on 6.something and the API changed enough that current mpv master doesn’t build against it.
perfectionism is what kills a lot of opensource projects
it will *never* be perfect. Merge it as is, fix it later if necessary
Which reminds me I still have a JPEG driver to rebase and ship in Linux.
I guess unless some big crop starts pushing v4l2-request into ffmpeg it'll never happen
anyway, I tested my latest lima changes on a pinebook and I don't see any issues
Kwiboo did a lot of work to fix it last year, I still believe~
Do you have a branch with everything applied? I could test it on my PinePhone and various Olimex Lime boards.
supertuxkart seems to be a bit smoother (mostly sits in 30-ish FPS for levels with non-complex geometry)
what's interesting, if I run glmark2 on drm instead of x11 (glmark2 doesn't work on wayland for me) I get double the score in some benchmarks
while on x11 it's way more humble
(it's actually Xwayland on weston, not plain x11)
and it makes sense for drm I guess, since some fragment shaders are now half the size with the latest changes
linkmauve: btw you don't really need V4L2 request to reproduce the issue. I can easily reproduce it with libva if I force mpv to use GLES2
it's basically just the gl2/gles2 code in mpv bit rotting since it's hard to find the hardware that doesn't support GL3 or at least ARB_framebuffer_object
and I don't really understand why mpv wants ARB_framebuffer_object, they don't use depth buffer as far as I can tell
* anarsoul
linkmauve, anarsoul: we all do :)
there was little to no response on patches and latest kwiboo work is miles ahead of previous
any corp backing is with gstreamer, which has proper V4L2 request support for years now
I guess I am old fashioned. I use mpv
(and I don't like gst, it has terrible api)