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<hexdump0815> just fyi: not sure if you heared about yet - besides its original intention it can be quite handy for some broken chromebooks
<hexdump0815> for instance based on that i was able to bring my very broken krane with broken emmc back to life to use it with linux
<hexdump0815> before i thought that i can only be used as a door stop as without emmc no chromeos and without chromeos no boot from usb and no ccd open to work around the broken emmc by running linux from usb
<hexdump0815> sadly krane seems to even have a bug in its firmware, so that disconnecting the battery to try to open the ccd simply does not seem to work on this device
<hexdump0815> thanks to sh1mmer i was able to build a usb image which will essentially boot into a shell in recovery mode from usb and as this is a fully functional chromeos like shell it is possible to crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 to boot from usb and i was even abeld to ccd open the device via suzyqable to set the gbb flags to have it allowing booting from usb for ever
<hexdump0815> i did all this by simply building a sh1mmer image for kukui and replaced the installed /usr/bin/ (on the 3rd = root partition) by one just calling /bin/bash
<hexdump0815> it looks like this is limited to hana, kukui, jacuzzi and strongbad on the arm side of chromebooks, i.e. some mt8173, mt8183 and the snapdragon 7c tablets
<hexdump0815> so it might be worth to keep this in mind in case anyone else has a similarly broken device around to potentially give it a second life with linux :)