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<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: yes - about 1 out of 20 matches my experience as well and i also got the resume beep with lts as well
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: did you notice it on kappa as well or also on another kukui device?
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: btw. are you aware of any patches making dp alt mode hsmi over type c working on kukui?
<hexdump0815> i remember there once was someone on the cadmium discord i think reporting to have it working but asked for the sources they responded that they got accidentally deleted, so not sure if was real
<hexdump0815> in general it should be possible with some extcon hack maybe, but it will still be limited to something like max 1366x768 or so due to hw limitations
<hexdump0815> but even that would be better than nothing :)
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