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<pet0203> I'm running a Spherion/Asurada. There were some modules not included in the image, like xt_mark. And I also saw that there had been some work done on asurada devices in the Linux src tree, just wanted to test and see how it works. I thought it was as simple as just installing the new image but apparently it wasn't lol
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<hexdump0815> pet0203: the usual way for this is to compile your own kernel as often some extra patches are required - for aarch64 chromebooks then also the kpart extra steps are required to generate a chromebook bootable kernel
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<pet0203> hexdump0815: Right.. I don't think I'm capable of that at the moment. Maybe another time. Debian trixie seems to work good at least. Very happy that I found your image and everything works great aside from suspend and touchpad. I doubt that a mainline kernel would even fix that?
<pet0203> Also the network card has a hard time connecting after startup. Needs a few minutes and retries to finally connect. Don't know whether that's just a config error tho.
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<jenneron[m]> it may get fixed eventually
<jenneron[m]> (touchpad and suspend)
<jenneron[m]> mt8192 are new
<jenneron[m]> and that's not mainline i guess
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<pet0203> jenneron[m]: leezu apparently ran 6.4.6 mainline on a 8192.
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<pet0203> Oh, the patches for 8192 in the collabora tree are included in mainline since 6.4.
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<hexdump0815> pet0203: here is the mainline report from leezu -
<hexdump0815> in general is asurada still relatively new and has a very small user base, the mainlining is done driven by google to have useable mainline for their chromebooks to lower their porting effort when moving to newer kernels
<hexdump0815> so in general stuff is working amazingly well with mainline, but i think not all aspects are really tested deep and well