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<jenneron[m]> just ask
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: hi. i have a snow chromebook with broken panel, so i can't see any logs there. i can connect SD card with pmOS, press Ctrl + U and wait for an image on HDMI, but using your debian image: i modify extlinux.conf leaving only rev5 entry (and making it default), then boot and there is nothing on HDMI. what am i missing?
<jenneron[m]> i'm probably asking something dumb, but i'm doing it blindly, so i don't know
<jenneron[m]> nevermind, i've crated a debian installation with debootstrap instead
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<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: maybe i'm missing some patches for ext hdmi - but in the end i'm essentially using the pmos v6.1 kernel tree
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: i'm sick right now, so no real capacity to check things
<jenneron[m]> there are no patches for hdmi, it works with mainline
<hexdump0815> unixabg: i saw you gh issue about the gbb flags - never seen that before - will have a more detailed look when i'm back to normal again
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: i'll try to check when i'm better again
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: i've also rebased it recently, it is now on 6.1.56, and it has video decoder fixed and SPI flash support
<jenneron[m]> get well
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: thanks a lot - i saw that you are on a newer kernel in the tree meanwhile, but decided to stay with v6.1 until the next lts as well
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: we have a "master" branch where most of development happens and we have "lts" branch which is 6.1.x, gets rebased and sometimes gets backports from master like that
<jenneron[m]> lts is the one we use in pmaports
<jenneron[m]> we also have tags there
<unixabg> hexdump0815: I will set them aside then. I only have maybe 25-30 units. I'm not sure the value of time both yours and mine
<unixabg> of just moving on to the next model and not getting stuck on an older 32bit model.
<unixabg> For those on the channel the issue is documented here:
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: just an idea regarding your snow hdmi problem - i think the lightdm in my imageswill only run on the first screen maybe
<hexdump0815> an option might be to comment in the in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf then comment out anything in that file and write some xrandr output from there into a file to see if hdmi is seen
<hexdump0815> /sys/class/drm might be good to check if its there as well
<hexdump0815> if itss there then maybe put some xrandr command in that file to disable the panel and enable hdmi
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: ctrl + alt + f2 doesn't work either
<jenneron[m]> and i can't iterate with device, so i can't do anything to /sys
<jenneron[m]> i've just bootstrapped a debian installation with debootstrap, added pmOS kernel and it works fine