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<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: i can confirm the hdmi problem in my latest image - thanks for reporting it
<hexdump0815> maybe it is related to the "OF: graph: no port node found in /soc/hdmi@14530000" - maybe there is some additional node required in the dts now for it which i do not have yet - will have to check
<hexdump0815> i can also confirm the usb3 breakage: it is broken with v6.4.7 for me, but it still works with v6.1.51 - so if you saw it even in a higher v6.1.5x already, then it is maybe possible to spot the commit directly without having to bisect it
<hexdump0815> i mean if you saw it broken with a higher v6.1.51 already ...
<hexdump0815> v6.1.5x i mean ...
<hexdump0815> ctrl-alt-f2 is working for me with my image btw. - as you mentioned that as broken as well
<jenneron[m]> HDMI works on pmOS with 6.1.56
<jenneron[m]> and with previous one
<jenneron[m]> it always has been
<hexdump0815> ok - i'll diff your dts to mine then and if that does not bring up anything i'll diff the whole tree
<hexdump0815> i'm sure it worked for me as well at some point, but i do not know when i tested it the last time - might be some years ago already
<jenneron[m]> we haven't done anything to HDMI
<jenneron[m]> but i doubt it is related
<hexdump0815> btw. i noticed v6.6 finally has subdirs for dts files for 32bit arm as well now :) ... much easier to browse online
<jenneron[m]> yeah
<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: there were some bigger usb changes on v6.1 on septemeber 13th - maybe they broke usb3 on snow? -
<hexdump0815> besides those i cannot spot any potential relevant changes between v6.1.51 (working for me) and v6.1.56 (broken for you) ... i checked the logs for the exynos dts and any usb related file with exynos in the name
<hexdump0815> if the sept 13th usb changes assumption is correct, then v6.1.52 should still have working usb3 as the changes seem to have been done with v6.1.53
<hexdump0815> i might build a v6.1.52 kernel with a fresher sync from the pmos exynos tree during the next days to check if that would fix the hdmi problem during the next days and as a side effect i'll see if usb3 still works
<jenneron[m]> yeah but use patches from lts branch
<jenneron[m]> they are easier to rebase when using lts
<hexdump0815> yes - that i my plan
<hexdump0815> just booted my older v6.1.11 kernel - with that one hdmi works ... but will try a fresher sync to the pmos exynos kernel tree anyway
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: or use the latest of our tag and config from pmaports
<jenneron[m]> actually i was thinking to make a CI building binaries for each tag