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<ellyq> jenneron[m]: audio doesn't work, devicetree needs some work
<ellyq> at least on MAGNETON
<jenneron[m]> ellyq: do you mean testing of that MR?
<jenneron[m]> can you reply on the gitlab attaching aplay -L and dmesg?
<ellyq> i'm planning on taking this machine with me to Poland tomorrow, so I can work on fixing it on a bus
<ellyq> yup
<ellyq> i'm installing pmOS to eMMC as we speak
<jenneron[m]> ellyq: if you use mrtest on main installation keep on mind to do `mrtest zap` and `apk upgrade -a` afterwards
<jenneron[m]> ellyq: `SOF firmware and/or topology file not found.`
<jenneron[m]> is something wrong with my symlink?
<ellyq> lemme check
<jenneron[m]> ellyq: did mrtest pass successfully?
<ellyq> to be honest, not sure what you mean by mrtest, i just booted image from pmaports on this machine and checking what works/what needs to be fixed
<ellyq> as i mentioned, i'm currently in the process of moving and traveling so i haven't looked at this machine before
<jenneron[m]> ellyq: oh, then it is expected
<jenneron[m]> if it works for you we can merge it
<jenneron[m]> use sudo apk add mrtest and then mrtest add 4834
<ellyq> oke, lemme read that
<ellyq> i'll try that on USB install, goal is to have main OS on eMMC to use and second on USB to test patches
<ellyq> do you want dt/fw dumps from cros on steelix/magneton?
<jenneron[m]> nah
<jenneron[m]> just results of testing that MR
<ellyq> lmao, mrtest crashes trying to pull data from gitlab's api
<jenneron[m]> huh?
<jenneron[m]> check internet, dns, etc
<ellyq> well yeah it is working
<jenneron[m]> in the worst case download files from and apk add --allow-untrusted ./file.apk
<jenneron[m]> ok
<ellyq> aye i'll do that
<jenneron[m]> mrtest is better
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<ellyq> IO ERROR, lovely
<jenneron[m]> huh?
<jenneron[m]> sd card connection?
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<jenneron[m]> actually, nvm
<jenneron[m]> it is linux-next
<ellyq> i'm using optane 800p in nvme enclosure, no idea why it says that
<jenneron[m]> so anything can happen
<ellyq> i tried to build collabora's tree today but i didn't get mt8186 dtbs which i find weird
<ellyq> need to check my kconfig
<jenneron[m]> ellyq: let's try audio MR first
<jenneron[m]> then i will upgrade kernel to the latest git version
<ellyq> jenneron[m]: i'm waiting for pmbootstrap to finish loading OS onto eMMC
<ellyq> can't wait for that sweet, sweet fiber at a new place
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