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<hexdump0815> just a little nice observation: i'm using my kukui kappa chromebook as my usual daily machine running my debian bookworm setup on it, always putting it to sleep over night or when i do not use it for longer
<hexdump0815> this way i'm at an uptime of 48 days now without any real reason to reboot it yet - those chromebooks might not yet be perfect with mainline, but they are very stable, reliable and useable
<jenneron[m]> nice
<hexdump0815> and thanks to things like zswap with zstd compression for memory and btrfs with zstd compression for the disk (even luks encrypted in my setup) even this little machine with only 4gb of ram and 32gb of emmc is surprisingly useable even with firefox and sometimes around 50-100 tabs open :)
<hexdump0815> maybe its time to daily-drive/dog-food another one now ...
<jenneron[m]> i had been using lazor for some time
<jenneron[m]> but it has 8 gb ram
<hexdump0815> 8gb is much better, but i'm surprised how much is still possible with 4gb - also to me it looks like v6.6 performs better than v6.1 in such a setup with short ressources
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<weirdtreething[m]> yeah my krane seems to be faster on 6.6 than 6.1