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<WeirdTreeThing[m]> <ellyq> "no idea, but(t) we're using..." <- btw mainline works perfectly fine on mt8192
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> other than suspend, but that is expected
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> <logan2611> "Other than that though (and..." <- DP out does somewhat work, it just doesnt correctly get the display's resolution
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> much better than other mediatek boards on mainline though
<logan2611> <WeirdTreeThing[m]> "btw mainline works perfectly..." <- even WiFi?
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<macc24> oh i remember there was someone who was struggling to get wifi running on asurada
<macc24> on #aarch64-laptops
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<logan2611> If it was recent, that would be me
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> <logan2611> "even WiFi?" <- yeah it worked just fine for me
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> I'm not sure why you are having that issue
<logan2611> Me neither
<logan2611> Would you be able to send me your defconfig for mainline?
<logan2611> Also did you test on 6.12 or 6.13?
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> 6.8
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> i havent done mainline on mt8192 in a while
<logan2611> hmm
<logan2611> hopefully just a bad defconfig and not a regression
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> the pmos config should work as well
<logan2611> sweet, thank you
<logan2611> I got a build server going again last night thankfully
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> nice
<logan2611> Build with Collabora's and my defconfig just finished, same issue
<logan2611> I think that's a good sign
<macc24> bad firmware?
<logan2611> It worked on PMOS, so I'd guess no
<logan2611> It's likely defconfig or userland, and I'm only adding userland because ALARM has that tendency
<logan2611> <WeirdTreeThing[m]> "config" <- Wireless shows up on this, thank yoh
<logan2611> s/yoh/you/