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<janrinze> jenneron[m] I am finally finding a bit of time to install pmos on my CB-311 Acer Chromebook. Found the charger and the old kernel 3.10 debian 8 SDcard. The last time this thingy was running was 2017 I think..
<janrinze> jenneron[m]: Where would I find a prebuilt image? My Aarch64 machines don't seem to like to build armhf kernels etc.
<macc24> isn't this a kukui machine?
<logan2611> Could also be a nyan
<janrinze> nyan-big :-)
<macc24> oof
f_ is now known as funderscore
<janrinze> The installer ran fine, after reboot nothing but a flashing cursor. So it runs, but X fails.
<janrinze> what's the default password for PMOS? pmos/pmos?
<janrinze> Okay, ssh is disabled and no screen. Hmm.. will try the console only version.
tobhe_ is now known as tobhe