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<calebccff> Any clues as to what might cause an SError kernel panic on sm6125 (derivative of sdm662)? It's caused by the UFS driver which we're trying to bring up, the only thing that I can think of would be the lack of smmu support on the platform
<calebccff> but stuff like the sdhci probe just fine without it, so im not sure
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<lumag_> calebccff: what kind of panic do you observe? Data abort?
<lumag_> The trace should contain details, like the address, the kind of the error, etc
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<aka_[m]> So, after week of pain yday i sent small patches and they turned out to be wrong formated.
<aka_[m]> Should i now fix formating and send v2?
<Mis012[m]> YESSSS
<Mis012[m]> I tried this, and somehow the i2c bus works xD
<Mis012[m]> interestingly enough, the i2c clock nor the blsp clock seem to have the enable bit set?
<Mis012[m]> but I don't recall seeing anything complain in dmesg
<Mis012[m]> also seems that I got away with ignoring the division registers for the qup clocks
<Mis012[m]> >interestingly enough, the i2c clock nor the blsp clock seem to have the enable bit set?
<Mis012[m]> not that there are not enough other weird idiosyncrasies...
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<calebccff> lumag: here's a picture of the stack trace
<Danct12> hi all, msm8998 (fxtec pro1) here, i have a strange issue with ath10k
<Danct12> for some reason the module only says: Adding to iommu group 2 in dmesg and that's all
<Danct12> no firmware id or version showing up at all, what am i missing?
<calebccff> Danct12: seems like the necessary services aren't running, pd-mapper, rmtfs, tqftpserv etc
<Danct12> hmm, these are running on the device, i checked ps
<calebccff> can you paste the output of "qrtr-lookup"
<Mis012[m]> Danct12: do you use my ssc drivers?
<Mis012[m]> or no sensors
<calebccff> no ath10k firmware service, but seems like the modem is running
<Danct12> Mis012[m], ?
<Danct12> i only have slpi_v2 loaded
<Danct12> (afaik that doesn't do anything as of now)
<Mis012[m]> Danct12: well, you are one of the few people who can make use of my work
<Mis012[m]> since ownership is rare these days
<calebccff> i would very much like to get my hands on a pro 1 XD
<Danct12> Mis012[m], indeed, this is a pro1 msm8998
<Mis012[m]> Danct12: if you're interested, I also have other drivers that I didn't send out yet
<Danct12> not now, i wanted to get fxtec pro1 to pmaports first before i can do anything :)
<Danct12> calebccff, already know about the modem running, since i can see two sim slots has no sim card in there :D
<Mis012[m]> calebccff: well, the sdm632 one should also come with ownership included, but that doesn't have SSC, so maybe it will only need edited devcfg
<Danct12> so, any idea how i can get wifi to work? i remember got it working many months ago, but now i'm not sure if anything has changed since then
<calebccff> am very curious about the new model
<Mis012[m]> calebccff: it has cdsp though
<Mis012[m]> so one can have fun with that
<calebccff> sdm632 is sm6115 right?
* Mis012[m] has no clue
<Mis012[m]> I gave up after they stopped using msmXXXX :P
<calebccff> Danct12: no clue im afraid, you should probably make sure your kernel is up to date and see if there are changes, msm8998 has seen a lot of noise over the last year or so
<Danct12> weird, this is deathmist's kernel and i think he got wifi to work on his OP5
<calebccff> you rebase fxtec stuff on top?
<calebccff> probably missing some DT changes, like nodes which are now default disabled
<Mis012[m]> Danct12: well, for the postmarketOS package, we might want to consider shipping the patched hypervisor
<Mis012[m]> or more likely putting instructions in wiki
<Danct12> calebccff, nothing much different, so /shrug
<Danct12> the fxtec dts has a include to msm8998-mtp.dtsi, i don't see anything that's suggestive
<calebccff> oof that's pretty cursed lol
<Mis012[m]> yes
<Mis012[m]> no clue how that got into mainline
<calebccff> it did? damn
* calebccff wants an 8998 fxtec now
<Mis012[m]> can someone gift me an MTP so I can add stuff to the mtp dts that will break this atrocity? pls?
<Mis012[m]> the fxtec is definitely not based on the MTP...
<calebccff> is it based on qrd?
<Mis012[m]> probably
<Mis012[m]> what isn't :P
<calebccff> op6 is actually based on mtp fwict
<Mis012[m]> :doubt:
<calebccff> go look at downstream!
<Mis012[m]> naah
<calebccff> other devices like the SHIFT6mq are based on QRD
<Mis012[m]> pretty sure basing on MTP is incompatible with the linense for MTP design files
<Mis012[m]> *license
<Mis012[m]> they probably just copied mtp dts
<Mis012[m]> and then used that as a base
<Mis012[m]> I wouldn't expect the final design to resemble either with companies that like to NIH
<Danct12> Mis012[m], hmm, do you have the noisy touch screen issue on your pro1?
<Mis012[m]> everyone does
<Mis012[m]> it's a hw problem
<Mis012[m]> that they worked around with ugly hw hacks
<Mis012[m]> *sw hacks
<Danct12> which doesn't work too well for me :)
<Danct12> or maybe even at all, since my touch screen is still jumpy as heck
<calebccff> sw hacks missing in mainline?
<Mis012[m]> sw hacks too ugly for mainline last time I heard
<Mis012[m]> plus QUP noise rejection
<Danct12> hmm, i thought qup noise rejection is the only sw hack?
<Mis012[m]> don't think so
<Mis012[m]> and it's not really sw
<Mis012[m]> if they don't fix the hw for the sdm632 version I'll be pissed
<Mis012[m]> Danct12: I guess you can solder some filtering capacitors yourself
<calebccff> i guess it's their ODM to blame
<Mis012[m]> kinda, but they should have complained
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