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<z3ntu> bamse: do you know where the repo was migrated to on CLO? With the same name I can only find but this is based on some older state and doesn't contain some newer commits that were present there
<z3ntu> I found this mirror on github so worst case we'll use this (background: we use dtbTool from that git repo in postmarketOS)
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<bamse> z3ntu: sorry, i don't know, i haven't used it in years...
<z3ntu> bamse: anyone you could ask at Qualcomm? :D
<bamse> z3ntu: i have a suspicion that asking would volonteer me to maintain it...
<bamse> z3ntu: but do we still use the format in latest devices? or is it just for legacy platforms?
<z3ntu> bamse: I think just old phones, yes. But would need to check where exactly it's used now and when it stopped being relevant
<bamse> z3ntu: but you effectively just want a repo that you can pull from?
<z3ntu> bamse: for this it's really just for distro packaging, yes. I mean we have I believe 3 patches on top which I also wouldn't be against putting in the same place (so upstream)
<calebccff> urgh, gave the B4 relay a shot and it duplicated all the messages?
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<bamse> z3ntu: i'll see if i can figure out what it would take...
<bamse> z3ntu: can't promise anything more than that thoug
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<Marijn[m]> /all just likes to aggregate the mails from two different sources, somehow all series are shown duplicate there
<Marijn[m]> Not even that, the message-ids (hence the clickable links) are identical
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<z3ntu> bamse: for now the (slightly outdated?) mirror on github is good enough so otherwise we'll just stay there. Was just confused that this repo disappeared since I thought every (quic) repo from caf should've been migrated to clo
<bamse> z3ntu: i too thought we were going to mirror caf onto clo...
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