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<mgonzalez-2> Ahoy
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<mgonzalez-2> krzk: it is not clear to me what "msm8998 SoC does not have WiFi" means.
<mgonzalez-2> Are you just saying that the wlan IP block is not etched in the msm8998 SoC?
<krzk> mgonzalez-2: yes, that was my statement.
<mgonzalez-2> I worked on a SoC a few years back, which integrated a PCIe root complex from DesignWare.
<krzk> wlan is wcn, separate piece, although how separate that's another question
<mgonzalez-2> Rob explained that I should define a SoC-specific compatible string for the RC, in case we had SoC-specific glitches.
<mgonzalez-2> Ah I see, like it's in another part of the board, not in the SoC?
<krzk> writing bindings tell that
<krzk> but here, is thi spart of SoC or not?
<mgonzalez-2> That is a good question. I think Jeff is the best person to answer that question!
<mgonzalez-2> It was Conor who suggested we should have a SoC-specific binding, IIRC
<mgonzalez-2> I don't really have a preferred solution, as long as a solution is accepted :)
<krzk> mgonzalez-2: neither Conor nor Rob, nor actually me, know exactly that hardware
<krzk> writing bindings gives you the guideline, but it does not say that non-soc parts should have soc component.
<krzk> It only says about specific compatibles.
<mgonzalez-2> Even if a board has 2 completely separate chips, the way they are connected together might be specific
<krzk> mgonzalez-2: which does not make TI LM75 temperature sensor part of a SoC!
<krzk> This is some weird twist of meaning of bindings.
<mgonzalez-2> I suppose you have more experience than I with these things, I defer to you.
<mgonzalez-2> It's a bit frustrating that this 3 year-old bug is only now slowly being investigated
<mgonzalez-2> I mean, the PostMarketOS guys already documented all these issues
<mgonzalez-2> I guess they were never brought to the attention of the ath10k guys
<jhugo> krzk mgonzalez-2 according to the block diagram, the Adrastea WLAN is integrated into the SoC
<jhugo> For 8998
<mgonzalez-2> jhugo: hello you're up early :)
<mgonzalez-2> Adrastea = ath10k ?
<jhugo> mgonzalez-2 9am is early? :)
<mgonzalez-2> Oh I thought you were on the west coast :)
<mgonzalez-2> jhugo: it was bamse who reverse-engineered (or rewrote) most of the user-space tools?
<jhugo> mgonzalez-2 yes
<mgonzalez-2> Haven't read from him here in since I got back
<mgonzalez-2> It feels like the user-space architecture is even more hairy than the kernel driver :(
<jhugo> from what I can find, adrastea is the ath10k block
<jhugo> integrated with the SoC
<jhugo> 8998 appears to have the 1.0 version of the block
<mgonzalez-2> lumag: krzk: if the ath10k in integrated with the SoC, then there could be SoC-specific integration glitches, and a SoC-specific compatible string makes sense.
<mgonzalez-2> *is integrated
<krzk> mgonzalez-2: yes, again, please explain briefly this in commit msg adding soc-specific compatible
<mgonzalez-2> krzk: I understand. But this is just a small part of the picture.
<mgonzalez-2> It's still unclear how lumag & Jeff want the issue worked around.
<mgonzalez-2> I will document how the code we use works, and wait for Jeff's and Kalle's guidance.
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, but it is not. wcn3990 is a separate chip
<lumag> It is not a part of msm8998
<mgonzalez-2> lumag: jhugo has access to qcom data sheets
<mgonzalez-2> He helped me mainline PCIe & SMMU & UFS
<mgonzalez-2> I also had a working driver for the TSPP interface, but the media devs have really looooow BW for review, so it was never merged
<mgonzalez-2> And qcom refused to provide documentation to the TSPP's DMA engine
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, TSPP?
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, wcn3990 is a separate chip. It is integrated with msm8998 from the platform POV, but it is still a separate chip.
<mgonzalez-2> Transport Stream Packet errr Pinterface?
<lumag> But we need to descrbie the integration of that chip with the platform.
<mgonzalez-2> we used a phone SoC for a TV set-top box :)
<lumag> That's why we have the 8-bit quirk property in the DT
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, I know. I even have a device thanks to rawoul. I started hacking the display part up last year, but then I didn't have time anymore.
<lumag> I hope to get back to it.
<mgonzalez-2> "Let's go see rawoul" :)
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, ok. I went down the driver hole
<lumag> The msm kernels wait for MSA_READY_RESP
<lumag> And they ignore the MSA_READY_IND
<mgonzalez-2> Was doing it right now too
<mgonzalez-2> phh had already told me it was done like this. Was wondering if user-space might do some stuff done in kernel land in mainline?
<lumag> I don't think so,
<lumag> So I think the proper way would be to move the code from ath10k_qmi_event_msa_ready() to the ath10k_qmi_event_server_arrive()
<mgonzalez-2> Isn't that what I did?
<lumag> Well, no, you did that conditionally.
<mgonzalez-2> Because of what Jeff wrote, see commit message
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<mgonzalez-2> I mean, I have no qualms changing the default behavior, but Kalle & Jeff might not want to.
<lumag> This is what their (QC) driver is doing.
<lumag> So if something breaks, it would have been broken ages ago with the icnss driver in place
<mgonzalez-2> You're preaching to the choir :)
<lumag> Could you please post the patch and we'll test it on sdm845, sdm660 and qrb2210 / qrb4210.
<mgonzalez-2> Who's "we" ? :)
<lumag> Fine point.
<lumag> I will test
<mgonzalez-2> I wasn't making a point, twas an honest question :)
<mgonzalez-2> I will git blame who decided to forward MSA_READY to the work queue
<jhugo> lumag I checked with the wifi folks. Adrastea is qcn3990, but integrated with the 8998 SoC.
<mgonzalez-2> The plot thickens :)
<jhugo> sorry, wcn3990
<lumag> jhugo, is it a separate chip or is it integrated from the mdsp point of view?
<lumag> on sdm660, close rival of msm8998, the wcn3990 is a separate chip
<mgonzalez-2> This is starting to look like the debate on firmware vs hardware...
<jhugo> lumag: according to documentation, on 660, it is integrated into the 660 silicon
<lumag> jhugo, I have schematics of ifc6560 board in front of me. sda660 and wcn3990, two separate chips. Wait. SDA660. Maybe that's the reason.
<lumag> SDA vs SDM
<jhugo> I looked at sdm
<lumag> ok, we know the difference now.
<jhugo> I don't see SDA documentation in this system
<jhugo> One possibility is that SDA is SDM, but the integrated wifi is fused to be disabled, and the external chip is connected instead
<jhugo> I don't know though
<lumag> integrated modem is fused out.
<lumag> it's like msm vs apq
<jhugo> Ah, yeah sometimes that impacts wifi as well depending on how the fusing is wired up
<mgonzalez-2> I have apq
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, can you check in the schematic, if there is a separate chip for wifi?
<mgonzalez-2> But people with msm8998 have documented the issue
<mgonzalez-2> lumag: I'd have to ask a HW engineer tomorrow.
<jhugo> fun -_- Sadly, I need to run to an event so I'll be basically away from computers the rest of the day
<mgonzalez-2> jhugo: have fun :)
<lumag> +1
<jhugo> If you send a message to me, my irc client flags it and I can follow up when I get back
<mgonzalez-2> This issue is several years old, I don't think it's getting solved this afternoon :)
<mgonzalez-2> lumag: I think this is the patch you wanted to test:
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, I'll test this later, just to check that it doesn't break things. But I think that the patch hits the list should actually move the code.
<mgonzalez-2> Moves what code?
<mgonzalez-2> lumag: the patch moves the ath10k_qmi_event_msa_ready() statement.
<mgonzalez-2> (sorry for stating the obvious :)
<lumag> from ath10k_qmi_event_msa_ready() to ath10k_qmi_event_server_arrive()
<lumag> And maybe drop the event completely
<lumag> But let's confirm that it works first
<mgonzalez-2> Not so chirurgical, the change becomes then :)
<mgonzalez-2> Function is static and used only once, compiler will inline it by itself
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, yes. But it means that there is an MSA READY even that we are handling
<lumag> upstream patches tend to be less hackish
<lumag> btw, tested sm8150, works.
<mgonzalez-2> If the event does arrive, it seems smart to log it
<mgonzalez-2> And doing it in the work queue sounds safer than in the indicator handler
<lumag> The event, yes.
<mgonzalez-2> So you get the indicator, but ignoring it works anyway?
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, yes. But ath10k_qmi_event_msa_ready() doesn't make sense anymore.
<lumag> Yes.
<lumag> It makes no difference, where do we log the event. Neither place is more dangerous
<mgonzalez-2> I thought the ind handler might be an ISR?
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<mgonzalez-2> Hello link-time optimization :)
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<lumag> mgonzalez-2, printk is irq-safe
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<mgonzalez-2> To be IRQ safe, it must mask IRQs?
<lumag> IRQs are masked during IRQ handling
<mgonzalez-2> It's best to minimize time spent in ISR... :/
<lumag> mgonzalez-2, tested, works on sdm845 and qrb2210. I'll handle sda660 and qrb4210 later
<aka_[m]> I have asked about that long time ago and forgot answers so I'm going to ask again.
<aka_[m]> Do anyone here own qcs404 board?
<aka_[m]> Qcs403, 405 whatever from this family
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<lumag> aka_[m], vkoul, should have the EVB.
<lumag> I have customer devices with qcs404
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<bamse> aka_[m]: yes, i do...
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<lumag> mgonzalez, tested qrb4210
<aka_[m]> lumag: bamse I'm fine with any tbh, it's about icc
<aka_[m]> I have a patch for adding more nodes, and other stuff
<aka_[m]> But icc is annoying with nodes where sometimes slave or master do -6
<konradybcio> aka_: on 8974 99% of the nodes do it 😬
<konradybcio> have you checked if downstream does the same but ignores it?
<konradybcio> that's been on my bucket list for.. ...ever
<aka_[m]> konradybcio: most nodes doing -6 appears to be outside of our access
<aka_[m]> like some debug subsystems
<aka_[m]> dehr/q6lpass
<aka_[m]> wcss
<konradybcio> i wouldn't be surprised if the scripts that generated the topology went unaware of ownership then
<lumag> mgonzalez, on sda660 WiFi timeouts and crashes the firmware without your patch. With your patch it hangs the board. But there can be possible issues with smmu, it was particularly nasty on that board.
<aka_[m]> konradybcio: have you tested wifi on Lenovo?
<aka_[m]> I just added wifi node but no opportunity to try on redmi 9t
<konradybcio> yes i think so