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<MoeIcenowy> libv: wiki server is broken again...
<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: works for me, but not with just http:// (or without an explicit protocol prefix)
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<ndufresne> jernej: that seems to fix Jagan issue with gstreamer,
<ndufresne> I believe I copy pasted that formula from VAAPI code, but this is legacy in VAAPI, no drivers actually uses it
<jernej> interesting
<ndufresne> that should fix a lot of streams I suppose
<jernej> now we must make sure that this is indeed correct way and not an actual bug in Cedrus
<ndufresne> frame 42 was the first frame with an emulation byte
<ndufresne> right
<jernej> ndufresne: hantro doesn't use this value?
<ndufresne> no, hantro and rkvdec don't
<ndufresne> cause they parse the slices
<ndufresne> Just re-read va.h doc, and the fixed formula match
<ndufresne> not sure which Intel driver used it, but it has been broken in gst since day one probably
<ndufresne> jernej: My guess would be that the HW preprocess the emulation bytes prior to parsing, so it does not know were was located the emulation bytes and would not understand a skip value that includes these bytes
<ndufresne> e.g. the skip is used lower in the processing pipeline
<jernej> ok, then
<jernej> I guess it would be time to run H264 fluster tests on Cedrus
<ndufresne> you read my mind, I'm running it now
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<ndufresne> I'll share the report, doing your latest ffmpeg and gst
<ndufresne> I'd like to bring that at least on par
<ndufresne> jernej: btw, we discovered that by default, ffmpeg implement an out of spec DPB bump algo to decrease latency
<ndufresne> but it has the side effect that it will skip b-frames with some pattern, which of course breaks couple of test
<ndufresne> I need to figure-out how to set it to strict mode while running fluster
<jernej> oh, I didn't know that
<ndufresne> we also had similar algo in gst, but decided to put that under a properly
<jernej> to be honest, I'm only familiar with HW decoding process and not so much with codec details
<ndufresne> my knowledge is also full of wholes
<ndufresne> e.g. I learn 3w ago that there exist closed gops that will output the result of a B frame first, not the keyframe
<ndufresne> as long as the B frames only have future references, this is entirely valid, and that's what brings the negative timestamps
<jernej> oh, joy
<ndufresne> so far, ffmpeg Ran 119/135 tests successfully
<ndufresne> quite devent result
<ndufresne> * decent
<ndufresne> what I hope for is that gst passes from test ffmpeg fails and vis-versa, so we can get both into better shape ;-P
<jernej> that would be wonderful, but I think it's more likely some HW limitation
<jernej> are those only 8-bit tests?
<jernej> all 10-bit will fail
<ndufresne> 10bit will fail indeed
<jernej> I have yet to implement proper 10-bit output on H6 (currently it's trimmed to 8-bit)
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<jernej> and only HEVC
<ndufresne> hmm, seems like something go wild when running fluster with gst
<ndufresne> the driver stops working passed CABACI3_Sony_B
<jernej> due to header size change?
<ndufresne> no, I doubt its related
<ndufresne> actually might be nfs issues
<ndufresne> I need to look into removing the yuv write to disk, and use tool reported md5 instead, will be much faster, and less error prone
<ndufresne> jernej: the difference between gst and ffmpeg, is that gst will submit multiple slices and get them queued in advance, while ffmpeg mostly operate in lock step
<ndufresne> that should in theory trigger a different path to trigger the next decode operation, perhaps there is some race in there, or its just some gst bugs ... I'll have to work harder
<jernej> I have yet to find motivation to rework ffmpeg patches in similar fashion
<ndufresne> easyier to get that motivation when you actually got a stream to make it work
<ndufresne> do you have any 4k@60 content ? I needed that in gst to reach that on rk3399
<ndufresne> I was around 55fps before
<ndufresne> iirc, JohnC was using some other mechanism, some threading in ffmpeg
<ndufresne> uh, 57/135 for gst, got plenty of work
<jernej> ndufresne: thanks, at least there are some tests that gst passes and ffmpeg does not :)
<jernej> still, I'm not too concerned about them
<ndufresne> yeah, 4 I think, but i need to find how to tick the "strict" mode first, cause it would be just that
<jernej> at least not at this point
<jernej> ndufresne: If I'm not mistaken, BA1_FT_C is test for multiple slices
<jernej> maybe you have some bug there?
<ndufresne> maybe
<ndufresne> but as I said, in multislice, I use the VB queue a lot
<ndufresne> I'm definatly investigate all this
<jernej> how much tests gst passes with hantro?
<ndufresne> I'm on hold on my project till Friday, and pretty much all my team is on vacation, so now is the time
<ndufresne> I think about 120, but I would need to try again
<ndufresne> things are moving as always
<ndufresne> e.g. these days I'm getting driver hang with rkvdec, making regression testing really hard, but it looks like platform regression, fails setting some vdu power domain and then hang
<ndufresne> I need create an up to date imx8m setup for hantro G1 testing, as it differ a lot from rk hantro g1
<ndufresne> jernej: so current status, our new VA API plugin in gst scores at 130/135, that's very similar API to Cedrus, so my issue is likely in the translation and the mechanism to handle slices
<jernej> kwiboo and I took a look of code from vaapi codecs in ffmpeg
<ndufresne> oh, sw decode in ffmpeg seems to so 120/135, so we can pretty much assume cedrus/ffmpeg is passing the test (minus one)
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<jernej> let me see if I can find that strict mode
<ndufresne> looks like its just -strict <something>
<ndufresne> but I don't see to be setting it properly, as I see no delta
<jernej> ndufresne: -strict strict should do
<ndufresne> but is there a specific order ?
<jernej> what order?
<jernej> anyway, it's best to check code directly
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<jernej> ndufresne: I'm looking into that right now, and "-strict strict" should really be enough
<jernej> you can also try "-strict very", but should be the same for h264
<ndufresne> that's what I was told indeed
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<ndufresne> jernej: so on the command line, there is input and out file option, as output file option, it has no effect, as input file option, strict makes it worst
<ndufresne> seems like strict is applied to more then just the decoder
<ndufresne> in gst, I just reproduce the result, with gst ffmpeg wrapper, it goes from 100 to 129 indeed
<ndufresne> (this is all very odd results)
<jernej> that's unexpected, but ok...
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<ndufresne> jernej: a bit unexpected, but tiled format got picked in fluster now, and that crashed in videoconvert
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<ndufresne> 76, not quite there, but progress lol
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