ChanServ changed the topic of #linux-sunxi to: Allwinner/sunxi development - Did you try looking at our wiki? - Don't ask to ask. Just ask and wait for an answer! - This channel is logged at
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<DarkNeutrino> Gotcha apritzel
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<mnemoc> libv: did you break the wiki again?
<mnemoc> permissions :-/
<mnemoc> file_put_contents(./composer.lock): failed to open stream: Permission denied
<arti> wiki has been down for few days :(
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<mnemoc> arti: whenever that happens please poke me by email to
<mnemoc> but I haven't figured out why it's getting permission denied yet :-\
<arti> i will try to remember that
<mnemoc> discord better? :( I'm rarely on IRC these days
<mnemoc> these days meaning the last 10 years :-/
<gamiee> mnemoc: I can let you know on Discord in case of future issues.
<mnemoc> gamiee: mnemoc#9315
<gamiee> mnemoc: friend request sent
<gamiee> (I Could not write you another way 🙄 )
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<mnemoc> gamiee: what are the numbers of your account? I have 5 requests for some reason
<gamiee> GAMELASTER#8007
<libv> mnemoc: not my fault, i have not been there since you last fixed it
<mnemoc> gamiee: added
<mnemoc> libv: narf
<libv> all i did was clean out my build machine, and get the postgres->mysql script to github, had nothing to do with minima
<mnemoc> libv: for some reason I still haven't managed to get php to be able to write that file, not even as 0777
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<mnemoc> up
<gamiee> thx
<mnemoc> libv: I changed so it always used sunxi-mw:sunxi-adm instead of our accounts, g+s the directories
<mnemoc> gamiee: please poke me if it breaks again
<mnemoc> email or discord
<gamiee> will do so. Thanks mnemoc
<mnemoc> back to my cave :)
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