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<keoLEg> hi I have a bananapro whic has A20 on it. And I made a linux distribution with yocto but somehow a littile bit confused about flashing the SD card. Should I dd the bootloader to the first partition of SD card . Are there any sector issues , because in the document it is stated as dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=${card} bs=1024 seek=8
<DuClare> That's obviously dd onto the card, not in any partition
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<diego71> $card should be something like /dev/mmc0 or /dev/sdb
<diego71> otherwise you probably corrupt the filesystem in the partition
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<apritzel> keoLEg: the BootROM in the SoC looks at said sector on the SD card (that's hardwired), so that's where the bootloader (the very first user code to run) needs to live
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<apritzel> keoLEg: the BROM has no idea nor does it care about any partitions
<apritzel> typically most partitioning tools let the first partition start at only 1MB anyways, which leaves that part free for the bootloader
<apritzel> so yes: you need to dd u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin to sector 16 (8KB), and then you can have any partitions you like, just don't assign the first MB of the card
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<keoLEg> diego71: card is exported as card=/dev/mmcblk0 in the documentation. I used it as /dev/mmcblk0.
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<apritzel> keoLEg: the device name depends on how the device is attached. When you use an USB card reader, it's typically /dev/sd<X>, otherwise /dev/mmcblk<x>
<apritzel> but in any case you have to write the bootloader to the raw device, not to any partition
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