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<Tusker> hurricos: I was thinking, to get over the gunzip issue with the kernel, would using the okli loader as an intermediate step solve the problem ? Does the okli loader get it's own new memory space ?
<Tusker> FYI - the AP370 runs into the same OOM for gzip too
<philipp64> noahm dhewg: what do you think of https://github.com/openwrt/packages/pull/16992 ?
<philipp64> dhewg: can't use "procd_add_reload_interface_trigger" because I don't know a priori what interfaces named is going to listen to, so I assume "all of them".
<Slimey> yo
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<Tusker> hurricos: so, for the ap370, need to patch both uboot binaries, in two locations (due to A/B). I am going to build a non-compressed kernel image version of 5.10.x sysupgrade, with a big "kernel" partition (will try and get it to work with an appended dtb)
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<Tusker> hurricos: OK, have 5.10.x booting on ap370 now, will push my commit
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<dhewg> philipp64: dunno about bind, but usually you have a uci config entry to specify what interface a daemon is listening on, and you just use that then
<philipp64> Yeah, in the case where UCI handled all the config... but bind is too lengthy and complicated for that.
<dhewg> I guessed ;) That solution looks like a bit like a sledgehammer though
<dhewg> is "reload" not sufficient?
<philipp64> No... as Noah said a few hours ago, once named detects interfaces and opens sockets, it lowers privilege... once in that lowered state, it can't open another socket on a reserved (<1024) port...
<philipp64> there might be a fix using libcap where that capability can be reserved, but... I'd be surprised if that could be done and the Bind folks didn't already think of it.
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<philipp64> See capabilities(7) in particular, CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE
<Tusker> philipp64: why not use the rndc control ?
<philipp64> What would using rndc change?
<Tusker> maybe I misunderstood the problem, though I thought rndc could control bind post startup and priv drop, and if you need to have it listen on new interfaces, then restart it ?
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<mangix> pcie. lovely.
<stintel> but does it 6GHz
<mangix> is wifi6 r2 6e?
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<mangix> I don't see any 6e related code
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<ldir> rsalvaterra: no 10.76 bump yet? What's going on? :-D
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Manual refreshing is going on. XHCI, mainly. A bit paiful, this time.
* rsalvaterra will need to double-check the bcm27xx target…
<stintel> haha, as usal
<stintel> usual*
<rsalvaterra> *painful
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Yep! Seems like a complete 802.11ax implementation, this time.
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<ldir> rsalvaterra: phoo yuck is all I can say then. Good luck.
<stintel> alright, my Unifi 6 Lite is again completely dead. enabled all the panic_on_ stuff, and reboot on panic is after 3s (openwrt default), still the thing just goes unreachable and that's it
<stintel> why did I break my rule of not buying shit without RJ45 console again :/
<rsalvaterra> Different quirk patches sharing the same bits. Fsck my life.
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<rsalvaterra> And then upstream starts to use the *same* bit(s).
<rsalvaterra> (Because of course, it's upstream.)
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<stintel> rsalvaterra: it's all one big hack!
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Heresy!
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<rsalvaterra> Anyway, I edited our patches to avoid conficting bit definitions. Hopefully they'll be upstreamed before upstream starts to use the respective bits. Again. :P
<rsalvaterra> Testing would be appreciated on bcm{27,53}xx, as I don't have the hardware.
<rsalvaterra> Doing a ramips/mt7621 build…
<rsalvaterra> About. God. Damn. Time. :P
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<stintel> dangole: hitting https://bugs.openwrt.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=3943 again on my apu2 at my parents' place. commenting out the lines containing jail in the init script works around the problem again. can you suggest anything to look at?
<stintel> the Unifi 6 Lite load average doesn't seem to drop below 1
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Uh? What's keeping one core so busy?
<stintel> rsalvaterra: nothing visible
<stintel> CPU: 0% usr 0% sys 0% nic 99% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% sirq
<stintel> Load average: 1.08 0.99 0.66 3/81 3598
<rsalvaterra> How odd.
<stintel> not that uncommon, seen that many times before, never figured out how to find the cause however
<stintel> but pretty sure it's a bug in some kernel component
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<Habbie> aparcar[m], 'flask janitor update' in asu just sits there, strace shows select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=594, tv_usec=328835}, any clues?
<Habbie> aparcar[m], webinterface offers me no branches, Latest versions: []
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<Habbie> aparcar[m], ah, a 600 second sleep is default in the janitor, i didn't expect this to be a long running process
<Habbie> aparcar[m], ok, so -i 0 makes it exit quite quickly indeed
<Habbie> aparcar[m], ah! I needed a config.py with some BRANCHES in there
<Habbie> aparcar[m], i'll PR doc improvements later
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<dangole> stintel: the output of `ps aux | grep dnsmasq` in FS#3943 shows that dnsmasq itself is not even running, but only the ujail wrapper. does the ujail process stay even if you stop dnsmasq?
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<rsalvaterra> Context: iptables rules, match port vs multiport. What's faster? Multiple port rules, or one multiport rule? I'd say the latter, but it's likely someone around here knows better. :)
<jow> the latter is faster
<rsalvaterra> jow: Thanks for the hint. :)
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<rsalvaterra> I guess is high time I UCIfied my firewall.user… getting ready for firewall4.
<rsalvaterra> *it's
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<rsalvaterra> Gah. I have rules which are basically impossible to express in UCI. *facepalm*
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<rsalvaterra> For example, something as simple as this… https://paste.debian.net/1217062/
<rsalvaterra> … should work, but it doesn't.
<jow> why not?
<rsalvaterra> For starters, it doesn't like neither the option dest_ip '!', neither the option target 'REDIRECT'.
<jow> ah
<rsalvaterra> (I want to redirect *only* the requests which don't target the router's IP address.)
<rsalvaterra> Give me an idea of who's trying to use other DNS servers.
<rsalvaterra> *Gives
<jow> change dest_ip to src_dip
<jow> and REDIRECT to DNAT
<jow> results in iptables -t nat -A zone_lan_prerouting -p tcp ! -d -m comment --comment "!fw3: lan DNS hijack" -j REDIRECT --to-ports 53
<rsalvaterra> How intuitive. :)
<rsalvaterra> (The DNAT part, I mean.)
<rsalvaterra> Wait, but isn't that redirecting everything to port 53?
<jow> yes, you also need to change dest_port to src_dport
<jow> for DNAT, dest_* is the stuff to rewrite to and src_d* is matching the original destination
<jow> for SNAT, dest_* is matching the original destination and src_d* is the rewrite
<jow> since that sucks, config nat sections got introduced
<jow> sec
<rsalvaterra> Right, I use nat sections for SNAT at the office.
<jow> actually nvm, config nat covers source nat (SNAT / MASQ)
<jow> while REDIRECT is a DNAT flavor
<jow> so it remains in "redirect"
<rsalvaterra> 0 0 REDIRECT tcp -- * * ! tcp dpt:53 /* !fw3: lan DNS hijack */ redir ports 53
<rsalvaterra> Much better, indeed. Thanks, jow!
<jow> I suggest to change option proto tcp to list proto tcp; list proto udp
<jow> yeah, and DNAT w/o dest_ip and w/o dest_port will become REDIRECT
<rsalvaterra> jow: I will, especially for the multiport matches.
<jow> I guess we could add an explicit REDIRECT target too
<rsalvaterra> I really don't like the old space-separated entries.
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<rsalvaterra> jow: Well, if fw3 is smart enough to know when to use REDIRECT, I guess we're fine like this. I have more complicated rules, though…
<jow> well it is always possible to create rules that fw3 can't handle (effieicently)
<jow> question is at which point it makes sense to draw the line
<rsalvaterra> I wonder if fw3 will enjoy DNAT rules with the localhost as the target… :)
<jow> worst case you could still use the "config rule/redirect/nat" as "container" and add complicated stuff via "option extra"
<jow> localhost as in 127/8 ?
<rsalvaterra> jow: Yep!
<rsalvaterra> Case in point…
<rsalvaterra> iptables -t nat -A prerouting_tor_rule -p tcp -m tcp --syn ! -d -m comment --comment "tor Tor transparent bridge" -j DNAT --to-destination
<rsalvaterra> … this, of course, doesn't work out of the box. You need to enable net.ipv4.conf.tor.route_localnet = 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf.
<rsalvaterra> This way, I make sure the firewall has to be working for these services to be accessible. A bit safer, in my humble opinion.
<jow> (change lan to tor)
<jow> becomes iptables -t nat -A zone_lan_prerouting -p tcp ! -d -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m comment --comment "!fw3: Tor transparent bridge" -j DNAT --to-destination
<jow> (w/ lan instead of tor)
<rsalvaterra> Hm… will fw4 play nice with these more complex rules?
<genuser1> Question, if I write a bash script that runs in the background of owrt, what is the best/proper way to output to the system log?
<jow> rsalvaterra: fw4 will ignore "option extra" since it cannot be interpolated into nft commands
<jow> genuser1: (produce lots of lines) | logger -t my_ident
<jow> genuser1: or logger -t my_ident "My message"
<jow> rsalvaterra: we coould think about support tcp flag matching natively though since it is rather common
<genuser1> thanks jow. Just what I needed :)
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<jow> if I see it correctly, that particulr tor rule should degrade somewhat nicely, it'll overmatch but should still produce the correct result
<jow> I mean if the nft equivalent of --syn is not applied
<rsalvaterra> Sure, it will work, albeit not as efficiently as possible.
<rsalvaterra> However, efficiency is important for the systems we target too…
<stintel> dangole: good catch, there is only the ujail process, not dnsmasq itself
<stintel> dangole: the ujail process stays after first /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop, if I do that again, the ujail process stops too
<stintel> unfortunately even then, starting the service again only spawns the ujail process, no dnsmasq
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<genuser1> Anyone have any ideas on why my wan link would drop, come back up, complain about a command failed: permission denied and then just continue normally? This becomes an obvious problem when I am in the middle of an online game session but not with streaming or general web browsing.
<genuser1> I am not at home right now so no access (vpn is down) to home router
<dangole_> stintel: I guess something results in dnsmasq exiting right after being started -- it's just weird that ujail would keep running. maybe /tmp is full?
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<stintel> I've updated the ticket to mention that only the ujail process is running
<stintel> trying some random stuff but I don't know much about ujail
<stintel> replacing -k with -d
<stintel> let's see if that gives me more info
<stintel> nothing after this: Wed Oct 27 16:05:49 2021 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing RFC1918 responses for domain ...
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<jow> rsalvaterra: true. It's not that nft can't handle matching TCP SYN packets only, it just does not understand `extra`. We'd either need to support TCP flag matching natively in both fw3 and fw4, e.g. through 'list tcp_flags' (preferred) or introduce something like `option nft_extra` and let users manually convert their extra matches
<jow> or rather, not nft is not understanding`option extra` but fw4 which translates to nft
<rsalvaterra> jow: Found another issue… can't have multiple src_dip entries, can I? :)
<jow> yep, but that limitation can be lifted
<dangole_> stintel: for dnsmasq we are not using many ujail features, it was the first service to use ujail back then, only using filesystem isolation afaik (ie. no seccomp, no dropping capabilities, ...)...
<dangole_> stintel: so whatever causes dnsmasq to quit right away after that line without telling us why is most likely somehow related to filesystem access, as everything else shouldn't make a difference if with or without ujail
<rsalvaterra> jow: It would be nice, we need it for rules like this: iptables -t nat -A prerouting_lan_rule -p udp -m udp -m multiport --dports 53,123 ! -d -m comment --comment "lan DNS and NTP hijack" -j REDIRECT
<jow> ah, you mean src_dport
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<jow> because I was wondering how you do multiple src ip matches with plain ipt (apart from cidr or -m iprange)
<rsalvaterra> Gah! Of course, src_dport, sorry.
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<jow> we can allow multiple ports and map to -m multiport internally
<jow> just need to ensure that multiport is vaialble by default
<rsalvaterra> Yeah, I have lots of nt rules with multiport matching. I think it's implemented, but only for filter rules, right?
<rsalvaterra> *nat
<jow> afair yes, but can be extended
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<stintel> sigh, whatever I try, nothing results in more output from dnsmasq. tried running it in strace with output to /tmp somewhere, nothing
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<jow> welcome to the world of security features
<jow> that kind of mirrors my experience with selinux :D
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<jow> stuff not working ,dabble around for a while, disable
<jow> stuff works
<stintel> life is too short for selinux ;P
<stintel> unless you run redhat maybe
<stintel> they've spent an awful lot of time to make things work
<stintel> but then it's still most of the time :P
<stintel> anyway
<stintel> something is off with ujail on my router in Belgium
<stintel> this just hangs: /sbin/ujail -n blah -r /tmp -- /bin/echo test
<jow> I stil ldislike the idea of having ujail by default
<jow> it's badly integrated the way it is atm
<stintel> while on a freshly booted vm it works fine
<jow> for example it should automatically setup jail mounts for stuff mentioned in /etc/config/dhcp
<stintel> it's doing that afaik
<stintel> because I have /var/lib/dhcp.leases (as my /var is persistent) and that is automagically added to the jail
<stintel> dangole: does that help narrow things down, that even simple echo via ujail just hangs on the affected system ?
<jow> yeah, just checked, it does it to some exten
<mangix> I find it interesting it's called jail.
<mangix> Assuming unrelated to the BSD concept
<stintel> dangole: https://gist.github.com/stintel/10ad87bb3cf5b4807dbaad9fff71a1da - on a system where it works there is clock_gettime, prctl, pipe, pipe, .. instead of the epoll_pwait
<dangole> stintel: that's definitely interesting. please also add '-d 1' to the cmdline of ujail to get more output.
<stintel> it just hangs there
<stintel> on a non-broken system it continues there with jail: adding mount /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf bind(1) ro(1) err(0)
<stintel> but on both systems that's a symlink to /tmp/resolv.conf
<dangole> stintel: i guess it hangs still a bit earlier in the library dependency tracing code written by blogic a decade ago... can you use gdb and interrupt once it hangs and paste the backtrace?
<dangole> mangix: i don't know that package, but looks more like jailing is incomplete...? mount-binding single files often gets you into trouble if the file is replaced (as inode number changes then and mount-bind blows up), so in case the program does that, that would explain the problem.
<stintel> sigh, don't have the binary anymore on my workstation
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<stintel> and we're back at yak shaving, now libgd is complaining about missing dependencies
<mangix> lol
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Now that you mention it, just before rebooting, moments ago, I saw a *ton* of kworker threads on my system. I don't remember there being that many…
<dangole> stintel: that looks pretty evil :( like musl ld.so doing something weird upon starting the jailed executable. as this is happening after long uptime I still believe we must have exhausted some resources. if it's not memory or space in /tmp, maybe it's open filehandles?
<stintel> dangole: 136MB used of 4GB :P, tmp is at 0% usage ... filehandles ... which process should I be looking at, or the global limit ?
<dangole> stintel: must be a global resource as the process is a newborn at this point
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<dangole> stintel: now that i'm reading the code, i believe i know at least roughly where things are going wrong: int elf_load_deps(const char *path, const char *map) in jail/elf.c is my guess
<dangole> stintel: because that also had some really weird stack corruption on MIPS64 for which i built an even more weird work-around a while ago, after days of not finding the root cause. and it's exactly where you are now experiencing the strange hang.
<stintel> dangole: I updated procd-ujail now as I didn't have the binary anymore on workstation so had to rebuild, now it doesn't want to run in gdbserver anymore :/
<stintel> it just spits out "ujail <options> -- <binary> <params ...>"
<stintel> the usage test
<stintel> text*
<dangole> stintel: are you calling 'run' with the arguments intended for ujail in gdb?
<stintel> dangole: ah, no. didn't have to previously
<stintel> ok so "run -n blah -r /tmp -- /bin/echo test" hangs again
<stintel> very different now
<stintel> so the previous bt was probably due to mismatch in ujail binary, sorry about that
<stintel> need to read kernel docs for the file-nr etc, it's not the same as last time I used it
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<stintel> maybe it's just whatever epoll needs that hit a limit
<dangole> stintel: i by now suspect calling those elf*_find_section() functions... wild casts and pointer juggling involved there... could be memory re-use triggers the problem, ie. once malloc() returns previously used non-zerod pages...
<dangole> stintel: because afaik we shouldn't even epoll for anything when coming from #9 0x00007ffff7fe30a0 in do_init_fini (queue=<optimized out>) at ldso/dynlink.c:1545 ...
<stintel> dangole: on a system where ujail is working it doesn't show epoll there so that confirms what you just said
<dangole> stintel: stack corruption would explain both, what you are seeing and the quite odd behavior on MIPS64 (see work-around in elf.c)
<jow> I wonder if you could easily test with another gcc toolchain version
<dangole> stintel: now we just need to find where in good old jail/elf.c this is happening (this code wasn't touched in half a decade i guess)
<stintel> jow: this has been happening for a year, toolchain is not the culprit
<jow> I am seeing weird stack corruptions in firewall3 as well
<jow> ok
<stintel> > I’ve seen this problem before, mentioned it a few times on IRC, the first time was in October 2020, so before 21.02 was branched, so it’s very likely this problem exists there as well.
<stintel> ok, I did not debug it completely as now, but it's always after several weeks of uptime that it pops up, would surprise me if that now has a different cause
<stintel> never say never though, but ..
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<mirko> hm, can't get cryptsetup/luks running with default cipher (aes-xts-plain) while kmod-xts is loaded - cryptFormat failing me with "device-mapper: table: 253:3: crypt: Error allocating crypto tfm"
<mirko> "Check that kernel supports aes-xts-plain64 cipher" - what else than xts could I be missing? *wonder*
<Slimey> oh my ix0: <Intel(R) X540-AT2> mem 0xcd000000-0xcd1fffff,0xcd5f8000-0xcd5fbfff irq 34at device 0.0 on pci1
<stintel> mirko: sha modules ?
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<stintel> interesting, managed to open the Unifi 6 Lite case without breaking it
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<alex_const> Hi! I'm trying to build an OpenWrt image with custom kernel based on 3.3.8. My OpenWrt branch is master. What's the easiest way to go about this? Both building from local kernel directory and dropping a patch for subarch is fine. I'm just not sure what files I should edit. I tried editing kernel versions in include/kernel-version.mk to build pure 3.3.8 first, but the build system still tried to download 5.4.
<stintel> alex_const: don't bother with 3.3.8
<alex_const> stintel: I need this to test OEM patches for a SoC not yet supported by the kernel. Their kernel is based on 3.3.8 and I'd rather not port everything they added.
<stintel> blogic: let me quicky recap
<blogic> stintel summoned me
<blogic> tl;dr ?!
<stintel> blogic: after ~4w uptime, ujail breaks, a simple echo foo in ujail just hangs on epoll_pwait: https://gist.github.com/stintel/10ad87bb3cf5b4807dbaad9fff71a1da
<stintel> 27|17:42:40 < dangole> stintel: i guess it hangs still a bit earlier in the library dependency tracing code written by blogic a decade ago... can you use
<stintel> gdb and interrupt once it hangs and paste the backtrace?
<stintel> 27|18:44:32 < dangole> stintel: i by now suspect calling those elf*_find_section() functions... wild casts and pointer juggling involved there... could be
<stintel> memory re-use triggers the problem, ie. once malloc() returns previously used non-zerod pages...
<stintel> 27|18:45:13 < dangole> stintel: because afaik we shouldn't even epoll for anything when coming from #9 0x00007ffff7fe30a0 in do_init_fini
<stintel> (queue=<optimized out>) at ldso/dynlink.c:1545 ...
<stintel> soldering a header on my Unifi 6 Lite meanwhile :P
<blogic> hmmmz
<stintel> can you make something out of it ?
<blogic> made a note, will look close tomorrow
<stintel> alright, ping me if you need more info / testing
<stintel> thanks
<blogic> a reproducible test-case would help
<stintel> blogic: yeah that's going to be next to impossible, it happens after some uptime (several weeks)
<dangole> blogic: i think this could be related to the stack corruption on MIPS64 i blamed on gcc some months ago and made a weird work-around back then. most likely elf*_scan_dynamic or elf*_find_section are the culprits, but I can't quite see where things are going wrong. maybe use of uninitialized variable in all the pointer-juggling in these functions... @champtar should maybe also have a look...
<stintel> can we add prints to confirm your suspicion ?
<dangole> stintel: yes, that can help and was the way I originally discovered the problem (but not the cause) and made the work-around for MIPS64...
<mirko> stintel: sha1, sha256, sha512 loaded
<blogic> dangole: we should ask ynezz to add his armageddon CI for procd/ujail
<blogic> maybe/probably that will open a can of worms
<blogic> ynezz: ^^^
<stintel> mirko: no other ideas for now
<blogic> dangole: what wuergaround ?
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<dangole> blogic: commit 33b799b94c ("ujail: elf: work around GCC bug on MIPS64")
<blogic> kk
<blogic> will check tomorrow
<blogic> kk, of to read unicorn and fairy stories ... best part of the day
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<aparcar[m]> Habbie: thank you that’d be great
<Habbie> aparcar[m], is -i 0 indeed what a user should do? or should the janitor be another permanently running job?
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<aparcar[m]> Habbie: it should run permanently to keep things updated. At some point I’ll implement some kind of web hooks
<Habbie> i saw a ticket, yes
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<alex_const> umm... so could someone point me to the right direction regarding building another kernel version with custom patches?
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<aparcar[m]> Habbie: thanks!
<Habbie> np :)
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<mirko> urgs, make doesn't fail if at least ath71 images get too big
<mirko> images just don't get created, make succeeds though. only hint is in verbose output ("[mktplinkfw] *** error: images are too big by 190430 bytes")
<mirko> on latest 21.02
<slh> that's the expected behaviour, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to successfully build OpenWrt at all (as there will always be some devices that got too small)
<mirko> then i'd at least expect a "TARGET/DEVICE SKIPPED!"-warning
<philipp64> noahm: why are we building with --disable-linux-caps ???
<aparcar[m]> anyone knows of a IP script that automatically returns the subnets of a IPv6 address?
<aparcar[m]> like cutting a /64 down into multiple /80 addresses
<mirko> aparcar[m]: ipcalc-ng doesn't?
<zorun> aparcar[m]: sipcalc -S 64 2001:db8:42:1330::/60
<zorun> but it's meant to be used interactively, there is no parseable format
<zorun> it's also really easy to do with a few lines of python (starting with "import ipaddress")
<dwfreed> aparcar[m]: note that your example would produce 65,536 subnets
<aparcar[m]> dwfreed: just enough!
<aparcar[m]> mirko: It might, I'll check it thank you!
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<aparcar[m]> ipcalc.sh seems to be pre installed, can that script also do it?
<jow> nope
<aparcar[m]> oh it's ipv4 only?
<jow> yes
<jow> what do you want to do exactly? enumerate all contained subnets of a specific size?
<aparcar[m]> I'm thinking about a wireguard script that automatically offers open subnets to clients
<jow> there's also owipcalc
<aparcar[m]> thanks I'll check that out
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<aparcar[m]> oh wow that's exactly what I need
<aparcar[m]> how can you summon all these nice tools
<noahm> philipp64: it may not be necessary anymore, I don't know. we've been doing that since before 2014 when I imported bind9 from oldpackages.
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<dangole> nf_flow_offload_ip_hook tries to occasionally dereference 0xdead000000000110 (on mt7622). looks familiar to anyone? it (obviously) causes kernel oops "address between user and kernel address ranges"...
<hurricos> @tusker: Could you share a build for the AP370?
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<aparcar[m]> zorun: you did some work with wireguard and link local stuff?
<aparcar[m]> nick: you too?
<nick[m]1234> aparcar: a bit
<aparcar[m]> nick: thoughts on dhcpv6 over wireguard?
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<philipp64> noahm: building now without it... will test this evening...
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<genuser1> anyone have any clues to why this happens?
<genuser1> usually happens in the middle of gaming sessions or when downloads get high (multiple streaming)
<genuser1> the issue is the wan link going down then coming back up
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