alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - Logs - <macc24> i have been here before it was popular
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<Dylanger> Has anyone where worked on or with Google's gfxstream?
<Dylanger> Looks to be a virgl replacement
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<daniels> gfxstream also includes Vulkan, which is parallel to Venus
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<icecream95> alyssa: When the source of a 16-bit instruction is spilled on Midgard, lcra_restrict_range can set the modulus wrong because len > bound
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<icecream95> ignore, this was caused by some code I added to debug another issue
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<narmstrong> jernej: you should get some dumps of valid afbc buffers and try to decode them, I had the chance to have an AFBC enabled Android libMali, and I enabled different configurations and implemented support based on that
<narmstrong> jernej: seems YTR mandates SPARSE (if you can't control it, then it's mandatory), so you either have AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_BLOCK_SIZE_16x16 or AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_BLOCK_SIZE_16x16|AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_SPARSE|AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_YTR as valid modifiers
<narmstrong> jernej: a way to do is add support for modifiers, don't add anything else, display AFBC buffers and poke the AFBC reg bits directlry until you have something correctly decoded...
<alyssa> narmstrong: Thank you for providing the documentation that Arm didn't...
<narmstrong> "basic" must be 16x16 or 16x16/SPARSE/YTR, I don't remember
<alyssa> jernej: Worth noting architecturally, Bifrost can't render into non-SPARSE
<narmstrong> ooooooook, this is why the Bifrost Amlogic SoC with the ARM AFBC decoder module doesn't have a SPARSE control bit
<narmstrong> ok so the "basic" afbc dump must be 16x16/SPARSE/YTR
<alyssa> narmstrong: also because non-SPARSE sucks for hardware
<alyssa> narmstrong: 16x16/SPARSE/YTR is what's used for internal RGBA framebuffer objects on bith midgard and bifrost, it's somehow the most generally optimal choice
<alyssa> and any deviation from it has to be justified with a tradeoff
<alyssa> e.g. SPLIT mode may be *worse* for the GPU but is better for display controllers
<alyssa> likely 32x8 blocks
<alyssa> non-SPARSE mode consumes less memory but prevents all parallelism (Midgard has incredible hacks here)
<narmstrong> yes, I had to switch 32x8/SPLIT/SPARSE/YTR to have smooth 4k display on S905X3
<narmstrong> would be great if documented anyway :-p
<alyssa> narmstrong: Thanks for offering to write the documentation :-)
<alyssa> ;-P
<narmstrong> Ha ha
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<macc24> ummm
<macc24> firefox started flickering on midgard(t860) on sway, can anyone reproduce/
<macc24> on mesa main branch
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<alyssa> macc24: PAN_MESA_DEBUG=noafbc,nocrc help?
<macc24> alyssa: ill check in a minute
<macc24> i attached the psu back onto my 3d printer and now it (mostly) won't break itself when you pick it up :D
<macc24> alyssa: not much
<macc24> pinging robclark as i see same issue on adreno 618
<macc24> like literally the same symptoms
<alyssa> Oof
<jernej> alyssa, narmstrong: thanks for pointers
<robclark> macc24: maybe it is a ffox bug ;-)
<macc24> robclark: i don't see anything like that on my x86 desktop, neither on my duet
<jernej> just one more question, do you have any numbers or at least feeling how much is AFBC able to compress images?
<robclark> macc24: doesn't mean it is not a ffox bug.. but I think I'm still waiting for an apitrace or similar
<alyssa> jernej: AFBC isn't about reducing memory usage (unlike PNG/JPEG type compression), it's about memory bandwidth
<alyssa> actually it increases memory usage
<alyssa> but on average content, IIRC Arm ballparks a 50% reduction in memory bandwidth
<macc24> robclark: sure just let me finish doing 101 other things
<jernej> interesting, I didn't know it's possible to reduce bandwith with increasing memory usage
<jernej> I guess alignment plays a big role?
<narmstrong> yes
<alyssa> Mostly that -- in good circumstances -- the hardware doesn't actually access most of the AFBC data
<robclark> jernej: the increased memory usage is about addition of metadata to allow hw to avoid accessing the real per-pixel data
<alyssa> The "slightly more than the uncompressed size" is the worst case, when AFBC fails to compress anything whatsoever
<urja> well, since the compression ratio is content dependent, the full buffer (plus extra because compression) space must exist anyways...
<narmstrong> and it reduces the DDR pages changes and loads the max of data in a same AXI
<narmstrong> request
<alyssa> jernej: As a super simple example, consider a framebuffer compression scheme that does the following:
<alyssa> - Divides the framebuffer into 16x16 tiles
<alyssa> - For each tile, allocates a bit in a separate header
<alyssa> - If the bit is set, the tile is assumed to be all 0's
<alyssa> - If the bit is clear, the tile is not all 0's so the contents should be read from the uncompressed image
<alyssa> This expands the memory allocation, since now you need to store the extra header which is (width/16)*(height/16)/8 bytes
<alyssa> But on average it reduces bandwidth -- assuming there are lots of regions in your images that are just all 0's -- since the hardware can skip the lookup in that case, reading only 1 bit instead of 16*16*32 bits
<alyssa> (At the cost of an extra 1-bit access for every non-all-zeroes tile)
<jernej> thanks, this explains a lot
<alyssa> This is a bad scheme but it illustrates the example. You can image extending the header to have arbitrary solid colours, AFBC does this with solid colour blocks, good with 2D UI
<jernej> yeah, but I still wonder why it would help with VPU, since it doesn't have blocks of solid color very often
<macc24> alyssa: so a solid color wallpapers are a good idea on mali machines?
<macc24> for a typical desktop usage
<alyssa> jernej: Solid colour was just a simple exaple
<alyssa> Actual AFBC is a lot more complicated
<alyssa> macc24: Sure ;P
<macc24> alyssa: *noted*
<alyssa> ~~or tile aligned checkerboards~~
<macc24> still gotta put a logo somewhere. what if users forget what distro theyre using?
<alyssa> PrawnOS, right?
<alyssa> :p
<macc24> xD
<jernej> understood, I was a bit misled by "compression" in the name, I thought it relates to memory usage
<alyssa> nod
<jernej> (size)
<alyssa> It's still compression, just compressing... on the time domain, not space? :p
<robclark> at least adreno calls it something that isn't quite so misleading... "Universal BandWidth Compression"
<alyssa> hah
<alyssa> Arm FrameBuffer Compressio
<alyssa> No idea what Apple calls theirs but there's one there too
<macc24> Apple FrameBuffer Compression
<macc24> AFBC in short
<macc24> ;D
<narmstrong> same for Amlogic FrameBuffer Compression :-p
<alyssa> macc24: srsly :p
<alyssa> no Apple has a lot of things that could be so more specifically use uh
<alyssa> AGX FrameBuffer Compression
<alyssa> AFBC in short
<alyssa> :p
<robmur01> did you put your wizard cape on to say "Compressio!"? :D
<macc24> there should be 'perf' debug variable for panfrost to complain when programs do dumb stuff. like freedreno does
<narmstrong> -EDUMBSTUFF
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<alyssa> would be nice
<macc24> plaes
<macc24> please*
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<robclark> alyssa: feel free to copy/pasta perf_debug/perf_time and friends
<alyssa> i'll copy/pasta as long as the code isn't spaghetti
<robclark> well, there is a bit of macro magic in perf_time but nothing to bad.. it looks like clang-format made some interesting choices there..
<alyssa> don't remind me I still want to reindent ;p
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<icecream95> macc24: AFBC also supports making the bottom quarter/half/three quarters of a 16x16 tile a second colour for only ~20% extra space if you want a more interesting desktop background
<icecream95> jernej: It is possible to remove the empty space from an AFBC resource to save ~50% of space, though making it non-renderable, and deduplicating tiles could be done to compress it even more
<alyssa> Technically still renderable on Midgard only
<icecream95> alyssa: On midgard, spilling can occasionally spill a value that is used in the same bundle it is written, so the load from TLS is before the store
* alyssa groans
<alyssa> If you post a shader_test I can take a look... old Bifrost RA hit a similar issue.
<icecream95> I only hit this by forcing spilling to run more times than needed
<alyssa> Ah.
<alyssa> Currently trying to get GLES3.1 conformant, otherwise I'd be down to rewrite the Midgard backend compiler :-p
<icecream95> I also found that the code setting min_bound for srcs needs to be moved above the continue
<icecream95> (All this was found trying to fix a bug that seems to be caused by spilling >256 bytes)
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