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<samuelig> Hi, How is the support of Valhall GPUs in panfrost? I only see G57 support in the kernel/mesa, I wonder if there is already support for other GPUs of that family
<samuelig> in the works, or if they are similar enough to work with that driver, other than adding the GPU_MODEL() respective thing in the kernel driver
<robmur01> I'd expect G77 should probably work, since it's supposedly the same architecture version as G57; G78/68 represent a minor version bump, but I don't know what the differences might be
<robmur01> I think the main reason G57 is the only officially supported one is that it's the only one developers have been able to get their hands on to test
<robmur01> (and of course anything newer than those is into CSF territory which is still WIP)
<samuelig> and the latest valhall generation? (310/510/710 and later)
<samuelig> (BTW, thanks for the reply robmur01!)
<robmur01> those are the ones I was referring to as "newer" - CSF development is over yonder:
<robmur01> (it's currently a completely separate kernel driver as well)
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<daniels> samuelig: yeah, we're actively working on that one - it's in pretty decent shape for ES3 and most of the rest shouldn't be too hard - the biggest thing right now is reworking the kernel driver to have async VM_(UN)BIND which is sort of blocking most other stuff
<daniels> but we're also starting work on a real Vulkan driver with hardware that usefully supports it :)
<mntirc> daniels: nice
<mntirc> i have a little bit of funding now for RK3588 reform
<mntirc> (laptop)
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