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<alyssa> bbrezillon: I think you might be the only interested reviewer for
<alyssa> I might've gotten carried away..
<alyssa> I'm not thrilled about the load_frag_coord_zw intrinsic
<alyssa> Maybe I just want to have the backend replace load_frag_coord.xy with undefs (since they'd be unused) and trust the backend to copy propagate + dead code eliminate them
<alyssa> That requires a fair degree of backend smarts. but both Bifrost and AGX backends can do it without breaking a sweat
<alyssa> (Midgard otoh.)
<alyssa> italove7: For !23769, let me know if you want to jump on a video call or something, I am realizing now that it is certifiably A Lot if you haven't worked on that type of code before
<italove> alyssa: I've started reviewing it last week, just didn't get to finish it yet. But thanks, if I need it I'll hit you up :)
<alyssa> :+1:
<alyssa> OTOH, for AGX it's very convenient to have load_frag_coord_zw scalarized since we allocate different "things" if gl_FragCoord.z is read versus gl_FragCoord.w
<alyssa> (not super important what "things" are in this context. currently we use nir_ssa_def_components_read for the purpose.)
<bbrezillon> alyssa: no objection on my side
<alyssa> :+1:
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