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<PaulFertser> rasterman: hey :) so you basically reproduced my odd results?
<rasterman> i swear i have seen better
<rasterman> actually on my amdgpu its reverse...
<rasterman> x11 is much better than wl
<rasterman> like glmark2 Score: 9840 for x
<rasterman> glmark2 Score: 5985 for wl
<PaulFertser> rasterman: you do get bad results even with a GL-enabled X11 compositor?
<PaulFertser> (on panfrost)
<rasterman> for x composited vs wl composited on panfrost - midgard tho
<rasterman> 307 vs 213
<rasterman> so nowhere near as bad as your results
<rasterman> same exact wm and compositor for both x and wl
<rasterman> so i'm being super fair :)
<rasterman> (in this case i know the compositor wont be using hw planes so that will impact results)
<rasterman> i didnt check glmark without a compositor tho...
<PaulFertser> I still can't understand why I might be getting bad results if I'm not CPU-limited.
<rasterman> maybe i should have
<rasterman> copies going through cpu?
<rasterman> on the xserver side
<rasterman> is xorg using like 100% cpu?
<rasterman> sorry - im not at home. can't test now
<PaulFertser> I showed Linux perf results, it doesn't look like being CPU-limited at all.
<rasterman> residential redox flow
<rasterman> :)
<PaulFertser> All of the cores are > 85 % idle.
<rasterman> hmmm
<rasterman> well the most efficient compositing pipeline for the x side and for the wl side assuming you dont use hw planes.... will be the same
<rasterman> zero copy swap on client side to server (wl or x)
<rasterman> compositor uses src buffer as texture and draws to its backbuffer (copy)
<rasterman> then zero copy swap of compositor screen buffer
<rasterman> in both cases
<rasterman> extra ipc bounces of course as discussed
<PaulFertser> rasterman: perf data: Wayland: ; Xorg:
<rasterman> it almost certainly will not be found by perf
<rasterman> perf does not know what the gpu is doing.
<PaulFertser> Yes, my point is that it shows how I'm not CPU-limited at all.
<rasterman> yeah
<rasterman> well asking if its at 100% cpu was that :)
<PaulFertser> So something is different on GPU level but I have no idea how to "perf" that.
<rasterman> it's either blocking and waiting on something
<rasterman> eg is limtied to 60hz ...
<rasterman> because its blocking on vblank
<rasterman> or somethnig similar
<rasterman> or its doing more copies
<PaulFertser> I'm running with vblank_mode=0 and both results are way higher than 60 Hz.
<rasterman> yeah - well it being stuck at 60hz would be a clear sign its hz limited :)
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<alyssa> bbrezillon: ^
<alyssa> thanks!
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