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<alyssa> ah, g31..
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<jernej> electricworry: the reason why there is no upstream DT node for GPU on H616 is that power domains are not solved yet, which is needed for Mali. Common hack is to enable GPU power domain in U-Boot SPL and then use DT node without it.
<electricworry> jernej: robmur01: & all who responded, thanks for the pointers. It's really appreciated. I'll keep trying.
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<electricworry> My issue with the Mali G31 not working was my own stupidity. (I'm new to kernel-side and spend all my time debugging userland programs.) The DT node was simply disabled. Enabled it and it works with Mali G31 Panfrost renderer.
<electricworry> (Of course as discussed with some of you, this is using kernel patches from the vendor which are not fit for upstream, but at least I get to make some progress with building apps which is what I really need to do now.)
<electricworry> Thanks to everyone who responded and helped me massively.
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