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<urja> Umm, i have a question ... kicad these days (i think it's because it was built with wxWidgets EGL now) is asking for EGL version 1.5 or else you get the software renderer
<urja> reading through and comparing to an eglinfo output on my C201 says the problem is ...
<urja> a lack of EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness
<urja> is that a hard one to have or just missed? (or something that panfrost/T760 fundamentally cant have?)
<urja> (unfortunately there doesnt seem to be a "just fudge it" env var for the EGL version lol... because, i bet kicad is not asking for that one to be able to run...)
<urja> ... apparently that boils down to having PIPE_CAP_DEVICE_RESET_STATUS & get_device_reset_status
<urja> which just involves knowing if the GPU was reset (or just claim innocent perfection like nvc0 lol)
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<urja> Yeah, a dummy impl makes kicad just work(TM)
<urja> I think i'll make a PR with that - not sure if it honestly is worth the effort to pipe the reset info (and like, I'm not sure exactly what kind of reset we should report) ... and it's a kernel-related thing so I'm even less interested :P
<urja> *MR :P
<urja> Oh yeah, one of the example commit summaries in the mesa Submitting Patches do is ...
<urja> I wondered why my search results for it were littered with that document (all over the internet) :P
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<robclark> urja: the drm driver should have (maybe not implemented yet for panfrost) some uabi to expose reset count
<urja> yeah i didn't find anything super obvious (freedreno had a parameter request ioctl of some sort, didn't find the same for panfrost...)
<urja> (i mean, panfrost has a similar parameter request but that's only for GPU ID and features etc, not reset count ... and i'm not even sure if that's the best way to do it?)
<robclark> maybe look at some of the other drivers.. in the end you want a way to query # of global faults and # of context specific faults (although you could do a bare metal robustness impl with just # of global faults)
<robclark> maybe extend the existing param request?
<urja> I did figure from my skim of the kernel driver that the kernel side would somehow report failed jobs (which is what happens if it does a fault), but I'm not enough of a drm developer to even be sure (fences? signalling? uh)
<urja> but yeah my reading of the other drivers just said that their implementation also varies (from a stub, to just reporting _some kind of fault_, to having the two counters...)
<urja> But yeah, if i need to add something to the kernel uabi, well, my C201 will likely never see that (unless someone sees it worthy of a backport to 6.1 ... i mean, i could do that to my kernel, but)
<urja> (6.2 didn't boot so i told my kernel autobuilder to instead follow the 6.1 LTS from then on; the laptop will likely be dead before it runs out of LTS)
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