ChanServ changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard + Bifrost + Valhall - Logs
<robclark> alyssa: ~20fps on x1e (although w/out atan patch) ;-)
<robclark> I'm semi tempted to resurrect my old intel laptop to see how it does (but not that much)
<alyssa> robclark: tbf this machine is from 2020, x1e was (I think) just released
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<alyssa> and is basically min-spec for arm macs
<robclark> released recently enough that we don't even have speed-bin stuff wired up so it isn't running at max freq ;-)
<alyssa> oh like don't get me wrong, a7xx is a better gpu than m4 on every axis i care about
<robclark> (and also the one I have is not max spec x1e)
<alyssa> but not for shadertoy reasons :p
<robclark> yeah, shadertoy is probably similar to raw compute power (ie. what mobile gpu's are worse at and neglecting their strengths at being more clever rather than brute force)
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<kusma> Mali Utgard had dedicated atan instruction, wondering how that affects things..
<HdkR> GPUs with proper transcendental instructions is so cool
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<bbrezillon> mntirc: mind creating an issue on gitlab?
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<mntirc> alyssa: this is fun, thanks :D
<mntirc> bbrezillon: ok, will do today
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<alyssa> kusma: deeply cursed =D
<alyssa> I think bifrost had some atan assist thing too..
<alyssa> seems like a silly use of die space to me
<alyssa> ...also wow I forgot how much cleaner AGX is than any Mali ISA, even Valhall....
<alyssa> like. my problem with AGX is that it's fundamentally a gles3.1 part, at least v10 does vulkan properly
<alyssa> but in its defence, it's a damn good gles31 design?
<pac85> Maybe agx is good and vulkan/big GL/gles > 3.1 are the bad guys :p
<pac85> alyssa: lol, gles2 even
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