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mntirc: I'm really confused why this doesn't work on a311d for you. It works fine on my VIM3, which has the same display controller. Are you using some special setup of display planes etc?
It could be that the display controller reports supporting this for all planes, but in reality only supporting it on some or something like that.
I'm just running "plain" Weston on Debian on that board, BTW.
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stepri01: if you push things to drm-misc-next, can you also take alarumbe's series?
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kusma: here's how it looks like for 1 user, like the display is cutting out randomly. https://i.imgur.com/iSB84Ez.mp4 it happens on both sway and gnome on two different machine types (pocket and classic reform), the common denominator is both use DSI output.
Heh, OK. DSI is a quite big difference from what I have here, yeah.
yeah, rockchip has their own display controller that has nothing to do with aml's
It would be interesting to see if it happens with HDMI output.
kusma: good point, we can try that
mntirc: Yeah, so this is almost certainly a problem with the meson display driver in the kernel, just triggered by Mesa by us enabling a previously unsupported mode.
kusma: ah, so this AFBC patch affects scanout? i need to catch up on the effects of it
You really want to use 32x8 for scanout if you can, because that has better caching behavior, which should lead to both better performance and power consumption.
mntirc: Well, Panfrost started advertising support for more DRM modifiers...
narmstrong: any ideas about this maybe ^ ?
That means the display driver and Mesa will negotiate a diffrerent preferred mode.
narmstrong: mesa AFBC negatively impacting DSI scanout on a311d?
kusma: understood, thanks
But in this case, it seems the display might have some issues handling the output.
kusma: hmm, it's independent on display model (and in classic this goes via TI dsi->eDP bridge)
so maybe something internal in a311d?
Sorry, I meant the display-out
I honestly don't know enough about DSI etc to know if AFBC could even be carried over the wire all the way to the display there.
looking at drivers/gpu/drm/meson/meson_venc.c, I wonder if the timings need to be adjusted to push more FIFO at 32x8 tiling?
no AFBC isn't carried over the wire
ok, we can look into that and will keep the mesa revert patch in the meantime
Yeah, keeping that revert that isn't going to make things worse than they were in 24.3 for you. But once it can reliably work for you, you probably want to switch on 32x8 support again.
mntirc: so, the way afbc has been integrated into A311D, means yes it can miss a vsync on load
but, otherwise it's the same
AFBC has been integrated and validated with the ARM mali blob, so I'm pretty sure it works fine :-)
narmstrong: aha, thanks for confirming! so we need to tweak something about vsync or do you have any other hunches?
Miss a vsync isn't the same as blacking out the display entirely for a frame, though?
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hi, i have been reading the discussion re a311d flickers in the logs and just came by to say that i do see occasional (about twice per minute) flickers with hdmi
no idea if this supports the current hypothesis of the cause of the error or if it's a totally different thing
but reverting the AFBC commit also seems to have fixed it
It should not black out, neither flicker, it should at worse duplicate a frame, if you encounter flickering it means you're either hitting a bandwidth issue or some HDMI signal issues, it may be caused by AFBC because it does much more DDR access
I remember having issues with RGB565 + SPLIT + WIDEBLK
it shouldn't be in 16bpp tho
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mntirc, narmstrong: with pocket reform it's dsi but i observe the flicker effect as well on hdmi with a311d and reform motherboard. The flicker goes away after reverting the AFBC commit. I took a bad video of the flicker effect on my tv here: https://mister-muffin.de/reform/a311d-hdmi-flicker.mov
i noticed that when i increase the video size, then it flickers more often
the whole screen goes black for a fraction of a second
which is the same effect that can be seen in deianara's video (just more frequent there)