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<eric_engestrom> kusma: looks like a bug to me, having drmSyncobjTimelineWait() inside the assert() means the behaviour of the function depends on the buildtype
<eric_engestrom> (I would tag boris as well but I don't think he's online)
<eric_engestrom> (since you two are the author and reviewer on the commit that introduced that code)
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<daniels> eric_engestrom: it’s not a load-bearing wait; it really is just a defensive check and works fine without it
<eric_engestrom> ack, glad to hear :)
<eric_engestrom> it does mean the value of `new_sync_point` set varies though
<eric_engestrom> but I guess that's not a problem?
* eric_engestrom knows very little about syncobj
<daniels> timeline syncobjs can contain a bunch of different fences, and this is basically validating that the timeline value we’ve just claimed to commit, really has been sent to hw
<eric_engestrom> ack
<eric_engestrom> so no bug, just code that's not meant to be read by someone who doesn't know what they're reading :P
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<kusma> eric_engestrom: if it helps, I've complained about the same in the past :P
<eric_engestrom> ^^
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