(I would tag boris as well but I don't think he's online)
(since you two are the author and reviewer on the commit that introduced that code)
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funderscore is now known as f_
f_ is now known as funderscore
eric_engestrom: it’s not a load-bearing wait; it really is just a defensive check and works fine without it
ack, glad to hear :)
it does mean the value of `new_sync_point` set varies though
but I guess that's not a problem?
* eric_engestrom
knows very little about syncobj
timeline syncobjs can contain a bunch of different fences, and this is basically validating that the timeline value we’ve just claimed to commit, really has been sent to hw
so no bug, just code that's not meant to be read by someone who doesn't know what they're reading :P
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eric_engestrom: if it helps, I've complained about the same in the past :P